Chapter 2

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*This story is on-going and changes will be made along the way.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it

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NB! Adult-content | Mature | Romance


Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea.

We were standing in the line leading into the club and it was already packed with crowds of people. I was feeling surprisingly good about myself and a glimmer of excitement simmered from within. I curled my hair and thankfully it agreed with me tonight. Katrina had me wearing her off-the-shoulder long sleeve black dress with a pair of uncomfortably high but beautiful black heels.

Would I ordinarily wear an outfit like this? Absolutely not. Was I loving how it looked on me? Surprisingly yes.

I had never experienced this kind of confidence before so it was both terrifying and exciting to me. It could have something to do with the shots Reyna made us have before leaving the apartment. I needed all the liquid confidence I could get right now. We made it to the front, paid our entrance, and got our stamp.

We were ready to go.

I walked into Mala Mía and immediately felt consumed by it. We followed the stairs that led down to the dance floor that was already flooded with people. The club was amazing. The high ceilings made you feel like you were in a place like no other. The inside was incredibly modern looking which, much like most places in Barcelona, was a direct contrast to the architecture of the outside. The walls had a gold plating running down them that made you lose your senses with the flashing lights bouncing off them. In the middle of the dance floor was a huge bar with the most expensive alcohol placed in a pyramid formation. Along the sides of the dance floor were long leather couches and booths filled with people having a good time. Reyna pointed up to the VIP section and I followed her gaze. The DJ booth was elevated in the same section and extended above parts of the dance floor. I watched the crowd throw their hands in the air as the DJ played a hot Reggaeton beat. Even I couldn't help but move to the music. You couldn't help but become consumed by the atmosphere of the place. 

"Let's get a drink," Reyna shouted over the music

I nodded and followed her. She looked like a goddess in her tight gold dress. If this club was a kingdom, she would be the queen. She walked with such ease in her heels and turned heads as we made our way to the bar.

The music blaring through the speakers hit me and I couldn't help but move to it as we walked. We stopped at the counter of the bar and I was thankful when she ordered another round of shots. Her drink of choice was always Tequila and although I hated the taste, I needed all the confidence I could get right now. She passed me two of them.

"Two?" I shouted

"Go big or go home baby!"

I laughed and knew I was in for a treat tonight. I took the shots right after each other. It burned going down but I could already feel it making its way through my body. I needed a night to just let go of everything I was holding on to and allow myself to have fun for a change. 

"Come on, let's dance!" Reyna exclaimed and pulled me to the dance floor

We pushed our way through the crowd until we were in the middle of the dance floor right under the huge gold chandelier that hung above us. It was extravagant for a club but it added a touch of sophistication to it. You wouldn't find this feature at just any club. I put my hands in the air as we moved from side to side, allowing the music to take over.

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