Chapter 19

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*This story is on-going and changes will be made along the way.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. The chapters are starting to get longer but it feels weird to cut them into separate ones.

Please feel free to #vote on my chapters. Your support means the world to me.

NB! Adult-content | Mature | Romance


I made it to the coffee shop as the skies opened up to the world. The rain was coming down harder now and I was thankful for the cappuccino I bought on the way here. Even though our little shop was supposed to sell coffee, there was still so much that had to be done - including needing the equipment necessary to brew a steaming hot cup. Today was painting day and I had been looking forward to it. Reyna was stuck with a deadline for work so it was just me today. I enjoyed the painting process - it was a surprisingly calming activity and with my favourite weather outside, I was looking forward to it.

The only thing that would make this better was seeing Giovanni.

He kept his word and phoned me yesterday afternoon after his meetings but I had passed out, exhausted from my recent lack of sleep. When I woke, it was late at night and he left me a message saying he called Reyna and she told him I was sleeping so he would call me tomorrow. His message made me smile.

When I woke up this morning, I was actually thankful for all the hours of sleep I managed to get in. I had this new refound energy that I couldn't wait to put to work. I turned the lights on and pulled the plastic covers we had over the floor again. We had been painting wall by wall and so everything was already in place to carry on. The last time I was here was the day of the beach party at Vai Moana. I placed my bag and umbrella on the counter and went to the back to get the paint. Moments later, I had filled my paint tray with the baby blue we had been using for the walls and placed it on the ground. The previous colour was a faded brown that lacked the comforting feeling we wanted this place to bring. I wanted this place to be that safe haven people could head to when they needed time to themselves with a book and a good cup of coffee. I also wanted it to be a place where people could spend time with a loved one. I wanted it to be warm and welcoming. Barcelona was warm and welcoming to me and I wanted to build on that atmosphere with a place that was entirely mine. I wanted to leave a mark here and remind myself that just because this wasn't part of my original life plan doesn't mean that my life would be any less successful. Working on our shop really gave me a sense of purpose that I so desperately needed. I reached for the roller and dipped it in the paint. I had changed into an old shirt that I had left in the back. I brought the roller against the wall and I was off.

After an hour or so, I finished the paint in the tray and headed to the back to refill it. I placed the tray on the ground and reached for the big tin of paint and started pouring. I heard the bell from the front door jingle as it does when someone opened it

"Hello?" I shouted and placed the tin back on the ground

Who could possibly be here? There was a clear sign on the door that said we were not open and given by the chaos going on in front, surely no one would think otherwise. I peeped my head around the corner and I was surprised to see Giovanni standing there with two coffees in hand.

"There you are!" he exclaimed and strolled over to the counter, placing everything he was holding down

My eyes lit up, "How did you know where I was?"

"Reyna," he reached for a cup of coffee and held it out to me, "This one is yours. Milk. No sugar"

He remembered. I smiled and took it from him, "Thank you so much,"

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