Chapter 24

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*This story is on-going and changes will be made along the way.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it

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NB! Adult-content | Mature | Romance


Later that evening I was perched on a single barstool by the bar of Mala Mía. Giovanni had been running around for most of the evening trying to get a handle on the influx of people that filled the place. Thursday was the first night of the week that it opened and it was, surprisingly, their busiest evening. It was almost as if people didn't have jobs they had to wake up for the next day. I was alone at the bar but I actually didn't mind, I was enjoying watching people. It was one of my favourite activities - to see people in their element when they think they aren't being watched. Crowds of women trying to get the attention of the men and women alike, the men pretending they aren't noticing those exact women as they try their own ways to get their attention too. The dynamic of the crowd was fascinating to me. A tall beautiful blonde entered the club, catching my eye and I immediately knew that it was Casey. It was impossible to deny her beauty - she had the perfect slender body and her long blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders. She was wearing a tight red dress that clung to her body perfectly. I couldn't help the wave of jealousy that came over me. I tried really hard not to compare but how could I not? She was a model - of course, she was a model. I rolled my eyes at that thought. She walked down the stairs with a group of friends around her. She was laughing at something that was said and her smile shone through the club. She walked straight over to Giovanni who was at the bottom of the stairs. As much as I needed to look away, I couldn't stop watching her. She threw her arms around him like an excited little girl. He hugged her back but it was a different energy with her than I had seen previously. He was really making an effort to show me that she wasn't a threat. She ran her hand through his hair and he moved away from her touch as politely as he could. I smiled to myself and looked away. This was never going to work if I didn't trust him and I had made the decision to do just that. He expressed more of how he was feeling about me and I had to give him the benefit of the doubt here. My heart was so full and warm because of him and I was adamant to not let anything affect me. I ordered a Gin & Tonic from the bartender and went back to my previous crowd watching.

Moments later I felt an arm snake around my waist. I turned and Giovanni had taken his place behind me, resting his head on my shoulder.

"There you are," he whispered in my ear over the blaring music

"Here I am," I smiled and turned to face him

"Have I told you yet how beautiful you look?" he rested his head in my neck, kissing it

I couldn't help but blush. I borrowed a tight black long sleeve bodysuit from Reyna that covered all the curves of my body. Paired with a pair of black pants and my high heel boots, I usually shied away from skin-tight clothing but something about this outfit was giving me the confidence I needed and Giovanni's affirmations just made it all better. I turned my body around so my back was leaning against the bar and he positioned himself in between my legs, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You may have mentioned it once or twice," I teased

He ran his hands down my waist and over my thighs, "Well, I will keep reminding you. I am loving this bodysuit by the way,"

"I'm sure you'll love it even more when it's on the floor later,"

He cocked an eyebrow and smirked. I have never been one to flirt like this but he brought out this sexy confidence in me that made me comfortable enough to share my deepest thoughts and desires.

More Than Once | THE WATTPAD DRAFTΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα