Chapter 29

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*This story is on-going and changes will be made along the way.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it

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NB! Adult-content | Mature | Romance


"Will you call me after?" I put my bag down on the counter and turned to Giovanni, "I'll be here for you for whatever you need okay?"

He pulled me into his arms. We spent the rest of our time in Valencia tangled in each other's arms. We were both seeking comfort in any way we could get it and I didn't want the weekend to end. I wanted to live in my bubble with him and ignore all the other shit we had to deal with. Unfortunately, we weren't able to do that and he had to drop me back at my apartment. He wanted to walk me up before heading out to meet his mom. He was about to have a terribly uncomfortable conversation with her and it wasn't my place to tag along. He needed to do this alone.

"I know, mi hermosa," he kissed my hair, "Thank you,"

I pulled away and smiled up at him, "Thank you for letting me come with you. I needed to get away,"

"I'm glad you came with," he pulled away but still held my hand, "Okay, I need to go and get this over with,"

I could see the pain and frustration in his eyes. He kissed me one last time before leaving my apartment, closing the door behind him. I sighed and pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed Reyna.

"Izzy," she answered excitedly, "Where you? Do you want to have lunch?"

I laughed, "Honestly Reyna, it's like we're the same person. I was just about to ask you the same thing. I just got back and thought I'd pop by your office,"

"Yes, please. These people are pissing me off today so I need to get out of here,"

I chuckled, 'Okay, I'll see you in a bit then,"

"See you soon,"

We ended the call and I went to get ready.

Thirty minutes later I was on a train to the city center. It was more packed than usual so I chose a seat in the far corner. I placed my earphones in - Reyna's office was a 15-minute train ride away and I needed my music. I leaned against the window and swiped down to see my recent notifications. I still had missed calls from my mom and plenty of messages from her and Camila. I sighed and opened them

"Isabella Avery, you better give me a call. I can't believe that you lied to us about Nate. We are incredibly disappointed and embarrassed we had to find out like this"

I rolled my eyes. Being told they were disappointed didn't sting as much as the last time she said it - I guess I was used to it now

I opened another one

"Isabella. Call me NOW"

I swiped through it and opened one from my sister

"Bella, please phone mom back. She's in a state about all this - everyone is asking questions and she doesn't know what to say. That's not fair on her,"

I rolled my eyes and shut my phone. They aggravated me so much. Not one of their messages asked me how I was doing with all of this. I know it was wrong of me to have lied to them in the first place but couldn't they see why I did? I wanted to avoid feeling like this. My phone buzzed again and I glanced down to see a message from Giovanni

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