Chapter 28

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*This story is on-going and changes will be made along the way.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it

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NB! Adult-content | Mature | Romance


"You can see now that my relationship with my dad is pretty fucked up," he explained

After finally dragging ourselves out the shower, we were lying in bed together - my head against his chest as he played with my hair. I didn't say anything more to him about what happened with his father but he was at the point now where he wanted to let me in so I listened intently as he explained what happened to his family.

"A few years back my dad's company was working on the La Sagrada Familia. He had made quite a name for himself in society and that meant the press was always interested in our lives. We had to attend various society parties and make appearances at public events - at the time I was enjoying being in the public eye but that was until a story broke in the press that had pictures of my dad with another woman,"

I lifted my head from his chest and propped myself up on my elbow to look at him while he spoke. I kept my face as neutral as possible and allowed him to explain more of his story.

"It was a pretty fucked up situation and I was there when my mother found out. The news broke and she found out along with the rest of the public. It was brutal to watch,"

He was staring off in the distance and I could see the pain in his eyes. The pain he was still carrying from this. It was such a terrible situation to be in - mostly for his mother but it affected the entire family and to have it in the press like that just made it so much worse. When you're on the media's radar, you couldn't control what information they were going to share and they didn't care how painful it could be to those on the receiving end. They just wanted a story.

"She broke down and I was the only one there to pick up the pieces. I've never seen her like that - it killed me to see the pain he caused," his eyes were empty and he was too far into this memory for me to try and break him out of it, "I was so fucking angry. I tried to keep it together but the minute he walked through the door, I hit him,"

I gasped, "You hit him?"

"Yeah, tonight wasn't the first time I've punched him," he shrugged, "I didn't give a shit. I had to stand up for my mom - what he did was fucked up,"

Everything he was sharing made sense to me. The anger and hostility he had towards his father were completely justified. His dad not only broke his mother's trust but the trust of the entire family. When you have children, they're immediately involved in whatever happened in the relationship - whether it's intentional or not and with a situation like theirs, they couldn't escape it. It was out there for the world to see and for them to have to deal with. 

"My dad hit me back. Like he did tonight. That time he managed to dislocate my jaw though and that just upset my mom even more. Hitting him wasn't my finest moment but I was just so angry at him,"

"I can understand," I reassured him that his feelings were justified

"It was all downhill from there. It became more about me getting involved in a situation that, according to my dad, had nothing to do with me," he scoffed

He was carrying so much pent-up anger and resentment towards his father with no healthy outlet. I could tell this conversation was forcing him back into a dark place where he had to recall the past and I didn't want to push him deeper into his looming darkness. I reached out and slowly ran my nails against his body, drawing circles on his chest. I wanted to be close to him and I wanted him to know I was here for him.

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