Chapter XXVI

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"I'm want to know what?" God asked, incredulous.

He avoided her eyes and studied the clouds he was standing on. "I want to know what would happen if I went to Hell."

"And why do you want to know this?"

"Dante and I want to be together." He looked up, meeting her eyes. "I love him. It's not enough to only spend our days together. I want to fall asleep next to him every night and have him there when I wake up."

God stared at him, and just when the silence was starting to get awkward, she sighed.

"Ariel, what do you think will happen if you enter Hell?"

"I'll die?"

"You'll burn. You'll burn hotter than anything has ever burned."

He stepped backwards, his breath coming faster, and then stumbled and sat down.

"I'm sorry, Ariel. I know that isn't what you wanted to hear."

He regained his composure and looked back up at God. "Maybe Dante can come here."

"Do you think that would be a good idea? He'll probably meet a similar fate, and even if he doesn't, I can't imagine he'd be welcome here."

His shoulders slumped and he felt tears prick his eyes. It seemed so unfair that he had fallen in love with someone he couldn't be with.

"Why do you love him?" God asked, speaking softly.

"I like being around him. He's fun and he's adventurous like me and he understands me in a way that no one else does. He has a good soul. I care about him so much and want his life to be better. He doesn't like Hell and he doesn't deserve being stuck there."

"He's Lucifer's son."

"I don't care. If that mattered at all, Dante should be the most evil, depraved demon, but he's not. He's kind and decent despite who his father is, and that's good enough for me."

"I can see that you're not going to change your mind on this," God said.

"No, I won't."


He joined his friends outside for dinner, mulling over what God had told him. As long as it was safe for Dante, he'd have to come to Heaven. He knew it would cause a disturbance, but he couldn't see any other way.

"Did you see your demon today?" Jael asked, looking at him out of the corner of his eye.

"I did. I think you all should meet him."

"No way."

"Well you might not have a choice!" he said, raising his voice in frustration. "Dante might be coming here."

"What do you mean coming here?" Charmeine asked.

"We want to be together. Really be together. I can't go to Hell, so Dante will have to live here."

"That's not allowed," Raguel said.

"According to who? I already talked to God."

"I can't fucking believe this," Jael muttered. "You've got to be kidding."

"I'm completely serious. And if you're my friends, then you'll support me in this. I'm not expecting you to warm up to Dante right away, but I hope you'll accept him in time."

"I will never accept a demon," Raguel said, getting up from the table.

"This is wrong, Ariel," Jael said, shaking his head. "And it's wrong of you to ask us to support this."

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