Chapter X

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"You all have to try this," he announced, stepping into the hot springs chamber with a bottle of wine. 

He'd spent another few days hanging out with Ariel, who had brought a lot more wine at his request. It had actually been quite the effort. Ariel had brought down as much wine as he could every day, even making two trips the day before. He then brought it down to Hell and stashed it in his chamber. Fortunately, Ariel had been agreeable about it even after he'd told him that he wanted his friends to try the wine. But that was Ariel - generous to a fault.

"What is it?" Shax asked, getting out of the hot spring and sitting on the edge.

"It's wine."

Beleth narrowed his eyes, seeming like he was wracking his brain for something. "I've heard of that. Don't angels drink it?"

"They do. I stole a ton of it from them."

"Stole? Or bullied them into giving it to you?" Azazel asked.

He turned and let a devilish smirk spread across his face. "They scattered as soon as they saw me," he lied. "There wasn't much bullying to be done."

"Well, let's try it," Beleth said.

He opened the bottle and passed it to him. Beleth took a long swallow, his eyebrows raising in delight. 

"Not bad."

"Let me," Shax demanded, yanking the bottle from Beleth's hand. He gulped some of it down, and Dante shook his head. Leave it to Shax to be the first one to get drunk.

Shax passed it to Azazel, who murmured his approval. 

"Do you have more of this? You mentioned stealing a ton."

"I do. I'll go get it, as long as you go invite Lilith. Which probably means Naamah and Medusa will come too."

He didn't miss the scowl on Shax's face.

"You can invite Buer. And Beleth, go get Forneus."

"Are we going to have ourselves an orgy?" Beleth asked, one corner of his mouth turning up in a smile.

"If you want."


An hour later, the orgy was in full swing. He'd brought out a quarter of the wine, knowing he should save the rest for other orgies. He didn't know when Ariel would be able to bring more down.

Judging by the state of his friends, he knew they'd be asking to do this again. Everyone was happy, even Shax. He wasn't getting upset about Buer hooking up with others, and surprisingly, he'd joined in when Buer started hooking up with Naamah.

Medusa and Lilith were with Forneus, and Azazel was off in a corner with Beleth. Azazel saw him looking and beckoned him over. With a smirk, he walked over to join them, bottle of wine in hand. They all took turns drinking out of it, and Azazel began to kiss and bite his neck. He felt Beleth's hands on his hips and closed his eyes as Beleth knelt down.

It was going to be a good night.


After dinner, he relaxed on a cloud. Charmeine and Laila were to his right, Jael to his left, and Raguel and Pravuil were across from him. It was a perfect night. The sky had settled into a dark magenta with streaks of gold, and he could hear a symphony of insects and frogs chirping coming from below the clouds. He knew the sounds wouldn't last long before the Earth became barren for the night, but he savored every minute of it.

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