Chapter XXXIV

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The next morning, Dante's wings looked even worse. The holes had spread, and now some of the skin on Dante's wings was hanging off the bone. He didn't know what to do with that.

Dante stirred and grimaced.

"Don't move," he warned, keeping his voice calm. "I'm going to get more salve."

"Are they worse?" Dante asked.

"Yes. Lay still."

He hurried out of the room to find his friends. The first angel he saw was Raguel. "I need help," he said, his breaths coming quickly. "Dante's wings are..." his voice failed and he lowered his head, trying not to cry.

Raguel took him by the arm and began leading him back to the room. "I'll take a look."

He didn't miss the expression of horror on Raguel's face as he laid eyes on Dante's wings. However, Raguel pulled it together and took charge, just like he knew Raguel would.

"We need to apply more salve and wrap them in cloth. I'll get everything. Stay with Dante."

He stroked Dante's hair while they waited. Dante didn't say anything, and he wasn't sure if it was because Dante was still half asleep or if he was in too much pain to carry on a conversation. He was afraid to ask.

It didn't take Raguel long to return, and they both focused on applying the salve. Dante only flinched a few times. Once they were done with that part, Raguel stood back and studied Dante's wings.

"If we wrap them, he'll have more freedom of movement. We won't have to worry about him catching the loose skin on anything."

He nodded, grateful that Raguel could keep a clear head. They both worked together on each wing, one of them holding the cloth in place and the other wrapping it around the wing. Even though they tried to be gentle and not wrap anything too tightly, Dante's body tensed up as they tied the cloth in place. He couldn't imagine how much it must hurt, and it killed him to watch Dante suffer like this.

"The salve should take effect soon," Raguel said. "Hang in there, Dante."

Dante reached for Raguel's hand and squeezed it. "Thank you," he murmured.

Now that Dante's wings were taken care of, he felt better, but anxiety was still buzzing through his body. He sat down and took Dante's hand. "What else can I do?"

"Nothing at the moment. I'll probably sleep for most of the day. You should go spend time with your friends."

"I'm not leaving you."

"I'm fine," Dante said. "It doesn't hurt that much. It probably looks worse than it is."

"It doesn't matter. I'm staying with you."

"Ari, I'm not going to be good company. There's no point in you sitting here if all I'm going to do is sleep. Go enjoy a few hours with your friends."

He was torn between wanting to respect Dante's wishes and not wanting to leave his side. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'll be fine. Besides, you can bring back some breakfast. I'm not hungry now, but I will be later."

"Any special requests?"


"Okay, you got it." He squeezed Dante's hand one more time and got up from the bed.

He was halfway to join his friends at the gazebo when he realized it'd make more sense to bring a basket to put Dante's breakfast in, as well as lunch for both of them. He could do it all in one trip so he wouldn't have to leave Dante's side again. He doubled back and was approaching his room when he heard a noise.

Peering around the corner, he saw Dante laying so his wings wouldn't touch anything. Dante's entire body was trembling and he whimpered in pain continuously, his eyes squeezed shut as tears ran down his cheeks.

Horrified, he stood there with a hand over his mouth. Dante had insisted he was fine, but it had all been an act in order to spare him. He dropped to his knees, pressing his hand tighter over his mouth so Dante wouldn't hear him cry. He'd never felt more lost than he did in this moment. He didn't know what to do. If he could take Dante's pain and experience it instead, he would do it without hesitation.

Composing himself, he stood up and concentrated on keeping his voice steady. "Dante," he said.

Dante froze.

"I came back to get my basket. You're - you're clearly not okay," he said, trying to keep it together. He sat on the bed and pulled Dante into his arms, taking care to keep from touching his wings. He could feel Dante's body quivering. "Please let me in," he begged. "I know you're trying to spare me, but I don't want you to go through this alone."

"My bones hurt," Dante said, and he could hear the strain in Dante's voice. "The salve is helping my skin, but it's not touching the pain in my bones."

He rocked Dante against him, hoping the movement would be distracting and soothing. He knew there was nothing else he could do.


For a short amount of time, Dante had settled. It gave them both a chance to rest, but Ariel found he was exhausted despite laying next to Dante all day. He couldn't bear to watch Dante suffer anymore. He sat up and ran his hand down Dante's arm.

"I'm awake," Dante said.

"Do you love me?" he asked.

"Of course I love you."

"Then you need to listen to me," he said firmly. "You have to go back to Hell. I know you can't fly anymore, but we'll get you down to Earth and I'll find a demon to help."

"No. I don't want that."

"And I don't want to watch you suffer!"

"I'm sorry that this is hurting you too, but I won't go back."

He grabbed Dante's hand and pressed it to his cheek so Dante could feel the tears coursing down his face. He saw Dante's lip tremble, but Dante wouldn't budge.

"Is it worth your death?" he asked, his voice shaking.

"Anything is worth your love."

He bowed his head, the tears continuing to run. He didn't want to add to Dante's pain, but he needed to make him understand.

"Do you know what it will do to me if you die?" His voice cracked on the last word, and he saw the muscles in Dante's jaw clench.

"How do you expect me to go on?" he continued.

A tear leaked from one of Dante's eyes, but his voice was steady. "You have a wonderful life and friends who love you. You have Heaven. You'll get through it."

Frustrated, he shook his head. "How can you do this to me? If you love me, you won't put me through this."

"And if you love me, you won't ask this of me. I don't want to live in Hell. A lifetime without you would be worse than the deepest circle of Hell."

It slowly started to sink in that there was no convincing Dante. He laid down next to him and sobbed.

Dante only spoke once more before they drifted off to sleep.

"I'll die here with you."

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