Chapter XII

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He flew in the direction of his friends' voices. He'd been so focused on getting through the night and both he and Dante being okay that he'd forgotten his absence would be noticed in Heaven.

"I'm over here!" he called out. As he headed towards the large tropical forest his friends usually visited, he saw Jael.

"Ariel!" Jael yelled. He flew over and almost knocked the breath out of him as he slammed into him and hugged him. "We were so worried."

He saw Charmeine, Laila, and Raguel not far behind. Before Jael let go of him, he was surrounded in a group hug.

"Are you okay?" Charmeine asked, gently pushing the others away so that she could look at him.

"I'm fine."

"What happened? You never came back and then it was night and we couldn't look for you," Jael said, talking a mile a minute. "I thought the demons got you or you got stuck on Earth and died."

"I fell asleep," he admitted, conveniently leaving out who he was with when he fell asleep. "When I woke up it was dark and I had to stay put."

"Is it as bad as we've been told?" Laila asked.

"It was terrifying. Everything was gone and the wind was blowing hard. The ground shook all night. I tried to cover myself with my wings to keep warm, but I just wanted to be back up in Heaven," he told them, shuddering as he remembered how cruel and inhospitable the Earth had been. "It's survivable, but I never want to do it again."

"We're glad you're okay," Raguel said. "God will want to see you. We've all been worried sick about you and none of us slept. As soon as it was safe, we came down to find you."

He felt terrible for causing his friends distress, and he hung his head. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep. I'd never want to do anything to worry you. I love you all."

"We worried because we love you too," Charmeine said, wrapping her arms around him. "Come on, let's get back."

Once they broke through the clouds, Raguel led him to God. He was nervous and beginning to feel even worse about his behavior and the commotion he'd caused. Keeping his eyes to the floor, he knelt down in front of her. 

"I'm sorry," he said. "I truly didn't mean to make anyone worry."

"Ariel, look at me," she commanded.

Reluctantly, he met her eyes. For a brief moment he felt better when he saw her kind face and felt the warmth emanating from her, but that comfort disappeared when the smile on her face faded.

"I'm disappointed in you," she said. "We all care deeply for you, Ariel. I understand that you didn't mean to stay down there, but you should have been more careful. You caused a considerable amount of anguish for your friends and for me."

Disappointing God was the worst thing he could do, and he felt his heart sink in his chest as his eyes welled up with tears. 

"I'm so sorry," he repeated, a tear dripping down his face. "I accept whatever punishment you see fit."

"I'm not going to punish you. I know you well, Ariel, and I know that your own guilt will be punishment enough. Go and spend time with your friends. They need to be around you and see that you're safe and unharmed."

He wiped the tear from his cheek. "I will. And I promise I won't get stuck on Earth overnight again."

God smiled at him, lifting his spirits. "I know you won't."


Once Ariel had flown off, he made his way back to Hell. It was no surprise that no one had come looking for him. He headed back towards his chamber so he could attempt to take a nap. He was tired after not sleeping all night. As he rounded the corner to the entrance of his chamber, Xaphan stepped in front of him. 

"There you are. Your father wants to see you."


"Yes, now. He's in a foul mood, so I suggest you hurry."

Rolling his eyes, he flew deeper into Hell and entered his father's large chamber. The flames were especially blue today, meaning they were burning hotter than usual. His father was indeed furious.

"Dantalion!" Lucifer thundered, his voice reverberating through the chamber. The flames shot higher and roared steadily. "Where have you been?"

"I got stuck on Earth overnight."

Lucifer continued without any concern for his well-being. "I found out that you gave the demons wine. Do you have any idea the disruption you've caused? Most of them have been drunk off their asses and are too lazy to work. Nothing has been getting done around here and the orgies are out of control. What were you thinking?"

"That's not my fault," he protested. "I've had the wine too but I still get my work done."

"Don't talk back to me. And speaking of work, you'll be working day and night to make up for this shitshow."

"Yes, Father," he sighed, just wanting to get out of there.

"There's also the issue of what was in your chamber when I sent Xaphan to find you. We found all of your little Earth souvenirs. What have you been doing for the past couple weeks?"

"Exploring," he shot back. "What does it hurt if I keep a few things?"

"Earth is not your place. I had those items destroyed and you're prohibited from returning to Earth for the next three days."

"But -"

"Silence!" Lucifer snapped. "One more word from you and I'll make it a week. In the meantime, you'll help Ukobach and Volac."

He stared down at the ground, trying to keep his emotions in check. It wasn't fair. He wouldn't be able to see Ariel, and any reminder he had of him was gone.

"Get out of my sight," Lucifer ordered.

"Gladly," he huffed under his breath. 

As soon as he had stepped out of the chamber, he was met by Volac.

"Dantalion. You're with me today."

He'd worked with Volac once before. Volac was an easygoing demon and they had gotten along well. Besides, he didn't mind helping Volac out. Volac's job was to find snakes for the serpent pit that sinners were thrown into, so it wasn't a bad gig.

"I heard your father is pissed," Volac commented. "I went to one of the orgies and tried the wine, but didn't stay long. I don't want to be on his bad side."

"It seems like he's always annoyed with me for some reason or another."

"Well, I'm glad to have your help regardless. There's a chamber higher up where I've spotted a few cobras. I'll need some help corralling them."


By the end of the day, he and Volac had collected seven cobras and transferred them to the snake pit. He'd enjoyed working with the snakes. He was fascinated by their hoods and the way they followed his movements as he'd tried to capture them. He'd been bitten a couple times, but their venom didn't hurt demons.

Volac, on the other hand, was a master of snakes. Not only did he never get bit, but he was able to guide the snakes onto his arms. They'd wrap around his limbs, their tongues flicking in and out as they wound their scaly bodies around him. Volac had managed to get a snake onto one of Dante's arms, and it had been content to stay there as they flew to the snake pit.

His next assignment wasn't as easy. He had to help Ukobach maintain the infernal boilers of Hell. It was tough, thankless work and he spent the day sweating. Ukobach was an old demon who kept mostly to himself, and he wasn't much for conversation. He barked orders at Dante all day, chiding him for not working fast enough. The roar of the fires and the sheer heat made him dizzy by the end of each day, and he was too warm to tolerate going to the hot springs, so he didn't bother to wash the soot and sweat from his body and wings. 

It was a miserable two days. 

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