Chapter XIX

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Happily, he flew through the tropical forest and out to the edge. He couldn't wait to see Dante. Yesterday had been one of the best days he'd had in a long time, both because of Dante and because of the stunning desert scenery he and Dante had explored.

As he waited for Dante, he browsed the trees at the edge of the forest, trying to decide what fruit he and Dante should have for lunch. He heard a noise behind him and turned, a smile spreading across his face in anticipation of seeing Dante. 

But the demon behind him was not Dante.

His reaction time was too slow, and as he launched towards the cover of the trees, he was yanked down by one of his wings. Yelping in pain, he scrambled to try to get away. His heart was pounding in his chest. If this demon killed him, Dante may never know what happened to him. Sorrow mixed with terror as he thought about Dante searching for him in vain.

A sinister growl filled the air as the demon flipped him over and struck him in the face, right above one of his eyes. His eyebrow stung and he whimpered, cringing and trying to flip back over to protect his face.

"Pathetic," the demon scoffed.

He tried again to launch off the ground and fly away, but he felt a searing pain and tugging sensation in his shoulder. He looked down to see one of the demon's hands on his shoulder and golden blood bubbling up around the demon's claws. He wasn't going to be able to get away. With a sob, he sunk down to the ground. Why hadn't he been more careful?

The demon's claws were digging further into his shoulder. Just when he was about to cry out again, he felt something hurtle into the demon and knock him away. He rolled over and looked up to see two demons rolling in the dirt.


He held his breath, not knowing if he should do anything to try to help or if he should let Dante handle it. Dante punched the demon in the head, and then took a punch to the mouth himself before they finally stopped struggling.

"What the hell are you doing?" Dante yelled.

"What are you doing?" the demon yelled back. "I was in the middle of taking down an angel and you attacked me out of nowhere. We're supposed to be friends, you jackass."

"He's my angel!" Dante shouted.

"Your what?" the demon asked, narrowing his eyes.

"He's the one whose wings I damaged and who I've been torturing ever since. He's mine to torment and no one else's."

"That's not how it works," the demon argued.

"It is now. Stay away from him."

The other demon huffed and stood up. Noticing Ariel, he raised an eyebrow. "Looks like this one is stupid. He could have gotten away but he's still sitting there, staring at us."

Ariel felt his face turn red. Of course he should have flown away. Everything about this was going to look suspicious now.

"He's not stupid, he's scared," Dante scoffed. "He knows better than to flee. It'll be worse if he does."

He took that as an indicator to stay put, and he hoped Dante would be able to get them both out of this situation.


He looked over at Ariel and glared. He was going to have to play this off the best he could. "Get over here," he growled.

Ariel hung his head and reluctantly walked over. He hoped Ariel knew that he didn't mean any of what was about to happen.

He slapped Ariel as hard as he could with an open palm. Ariel yelped and put a hand to his cheek. At the sound, Dante cringed, and then hoped Azazel didn't notice his reaction. He felt awful for hurting Ariel.

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