Chapter 7

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Everyone behind the glass panel looked at each other and frowned. Natasha had come out soon after the reveal and they were now discussing what to do next. The guy was still in there, strapped to the chair and looking uncomfortable.

"Where are they even coming from?" Clint exclaimed. "Last year, it was Peter and now this dude?"

Steve nodded in agreement. "Well, I guess the more heroes the better?"

Fury was glaring through the window and at Red Robin. He spoke, making everyone effectively go quiet. "We don't have any information on him. The DNA test came back negative. He's not in our systems." He turned around, facing the Avengers. "We don't know his powers, his real identity, where he came from, what his background is or anything."

The Avengers shifted under his hard gaze. Fury thought for a minute.

"Keep him under constant surveillance. I want to know every single last drop of detail about him."


Before he knew it, Tim was taken away from the interrogation room just as he thought his butt would merge into the chair and become one. He was of course grateful that they were no longer keeping him physically restrained, but wasn't comfortable with not knowing what was going to happen to him. For all he knew, they could be planning on shooting him in the back of the head at any moment.

They hadn't returned his stuff except for his boots and they were leading him somewhere through the maze of identical hallways to somewhere he didn't know. He hadn't seen Captain America or Natasha since his interrogation.

They climbed up another flight of stairs before coming up onto the top platform, near where he was initially captured. Tim cautiously looked across towards the edge of the Helicarrier. Were they going to throw him off?

He was relieved when he was taken to a jet instead. He was slightly surprised to see Captain America and Natasha sitting inside already along with some other people, but sat down without complaint. He could feel them all staring at him and severely wished that he still had his cape and belt with him. He lowkey felt naked without them and the social anxiety was catching up to him fast.

As if sensing his awkwardness, Captain America smiled and tried to begin a conversation.

"So Robin," Tim had forgotten that the dude had wanted to call him that. It felt really off and unnatural, but he didn't really have the heart to tell him off. After all, the Captain just wanted to be friendly. "Er.. what do you do?"

Tim was tempted to shrug for the fiftieth time that day, but stopped himself. "Well, I fight crime, you know, just normal vigilante stuff?"

"Robin, right? So when are you gonna tell us your name?" The voice came from behind him and Tim turned around to see a man dressed in purple with a quiver of arrows at his feet. Captain America was quick to introduce him.

"This is Clint, Hawkeye. He's also part of the Avengers." Tim nodded in greeting.

"Well, I'd prefer to keep my name anonymous, thanks." He replied. Another man up front laughed.

"That's what Peter said when we first asked him. We'll get yours soon enough,"

Tim also laughed albeit a little uncomfortably. "Well, I don't think so, but I'm open for you to try."

The mood inside the jet was considerably lighter and Tim gathered enough courage to ask a few questions. "So... where are we going?"

The man up front replied. "My tower, well it's Avengers Tower now, but same thing." The information didn't really help Tim, but he nodded.

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