Chapter 12

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Tim sighed, looking at everyone with a resigned look.

Despite his protests he'd been dragged to the training room unceremoniously. He'd assumed that they'd give him at least a little time after his initial refusal but could not have been more wrong. All he wanted to do was start on figuring out a way to build the device home, but here he was, stuck facing the Avengers.

He ran a hand down his face. "Do we really need to do this?"

Tony smirked from the other side of the room where the Avengers were putting on their gear and getting ready.

"Try not to get cold feet now will you?"

"I didn't even agree to this in the first place!"

"Well you're here now anyway."

Tim was already dressed from before and was left to loiter by the door, wondering if just leaving right then and there would be worth it. There was no doubt that the Avengers would come right after him so he stayed put.

Tim resigned himself to the fact that they wouldn't be letting him off the hook and began to study his opponents. It was the first time he'd seen them all in costume at the same time. He had a vague idea of who had what type of fighting style from their mannerisms and responses to specific stimulus, but he had yet to see how skilled they actually were on the field.

Tim stretched out his arms and legs, loosening them up to prepare for the fight.

"Yeah, now we're talking." Tony nodded in his direction. Clint adjusted the quiver on his back and spoke as he tested the tightness of the bowstring.

"So where are we going from here? Is he gonna fight all of us?"

"I'll go first," as expected from the person who'd suggested the spar itself, Natasha volunteered immediately. Her eyes had a slight mean twinkle in them and Tim couldn't help feel a little intimidated by her confidence. He was pretty confident in his training too so he wasn't quite sure what to expect.

"Well, if there's no objections, I guess we'll just start then," Captain America motioned for Tim to get onto the foam mats they were using as the sparring field. Tim did have an objection, but he slowly complied, shaking his head internally.

They assumed fighting positions and everyone else gathered outside the mats.

They began circling each other, slowly analyzing the other's movements. Tim felt a little more relaxed, having briefly gone through Natasha's file while investigating the world he was in. He had a pretty solid grasp on what she'd accomplished and some of her skill sets which were quite similar to some of the fighters from his world. She on the other hand, couldn't have had more than the security footage of him taking down the few shield members when he'd first arrived.

Seeing as neither of them were willing to make the first move, Natasha moved in, faking a jab at Tim's temple and immediately crouching in a low kick to get him off balance. Tim dodged her arm and shifted his balance flipping over her outstretched leg and behind her to aim a well executed kick to her shoulder. She managed to just swerve away in time, instead twisting around and aiming an elbow at his chest. Tim blocked and ducked under her arm, attempting to aim a punch at her sternum, but ditching it at the last moment to dodge a knee to the chest. Both of them separated momentarily, trying to catch their breaths before jumping in again.

Tim was vaguely reminded of Dick while fighting Black Widow. Despite the obvious difference in their fighting styles (Dick really needed to tone down the drama), Natasha's fighting style contained the same, elegant but powerful feel that Dick's had. Of course her style didn't have the same strength behind Dick's, but it was somehow reminiscent of it. Just like how Damien was reminiscent of a child... er maybe not.

Tim suddenly felt a pang of homesickness. Thinking of his brothers whilst sparring with practically strangers in a whole other dimension, made him feel just how far away from home he was. What if he couldn't-?

His breath caught in his throat as he momentarily paused, allowing Natasha to get a hit in and knock his breath out of his lungs. No Tim thought. He could get back. All he had to do was to make the machine. Yes. He looked up at Natasha and the rest of them, narrowing his eyes slightly. If he just beat them quickly, he could make the machine sooner and get home faster.

With a newfound energy driving him, he launched himself at Natasha, using her shoulder as a springboard and getting behind her and knocking her off balance with a swipe of a leg. Caught off guard by the sudden vigor behind his attacks, Natasha fell, letting Tim flip her over his shoulder and into the mat with a thud.

There was a moment of silence where everyone was shocked at his sudden victory. Tim stood up.

"Okay, next?"


Needless to say, Tim won all the matches. The Avengers had refused to use their weapons, seeing as Tim was fighting hand to hand instead of using his bow staff. Their pride and dignity as heroes didn't let them. He'd had a little bit of trouble fighting Steve, but having fought Superman before, it wasn't all that new. All he had to do was use the guy's momentum to knock him over. Clint had pretty much the same instincts as Green Arrow, albeit a little bit more agile and Tony was... well, it was kind of like fighting a regular dude with armor. 

Tim sat down on his bed after showering and changing into more comfortable clothes. He spared a glance behind him at the plump pillows that beckoned him invitingly but shook his head. Even though all his muscles had just unwinded from the warm water of the shower, he couldn't afford to lose track. Besides, sleep could wait until another day... or a couple of days, depending on whether he had access to coffee.

He picked up his wrist computer, accessing the photos of the blueprints.

Right. Time to get to work.

Across || Tim Drake + Avengers CrossoverOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora