Chapter 24

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Tim squinted, watching Jason as he picked his way through the club.

After seeing that it was virtually impossible to enter, Tim had settled down on the roof top and had hacked into the security system. Sure, he'd considered shimmying into the vents, but judging by the incredibly steep drop and tight space, he'd decided that it wasn't worth it. He hadn't managed to spot Dick or Damien yet which was kind of bothering him.

Up till this moment, Tim hadn't considered Dick to be in any danger at all. After all, Dick was highly capable and didn't have anything to lose in this dimension in terms of secret identity. Tim had merely come along with his brothers because he'd wanted to, not because he'd felt the need to.

Tim rolled the footage back to a few hours ago, watching carefully for the figure he knew belonged to his brother. It was lucky that this club had a lot of cameras. Tim stopped the video, changing the speed back to normal before playing it again.

He watched as Dick walked in, hands in his pockets. Tim had no idea how he was able to get in, considering that none of them had any physical identifications like licenses, but decided to leave that as a question for later. maybe he just looked old.

It looked like Dick had made his way to the bar, ordering something from the bartender as he sat on the stool. Tim sped up the footage slightly and watched as Dick sat and drank his drink. After a while, he was approached by a woman. Dick exchanged a few words before following the woman. Tim swapped out the camera feed, trying to get a better visual of the two.

The woman seemed fairly ordinary with generic features one would see from a standard caucasian. She was wearing a short black dress that had a neckline way too low for Tim's liking and was holding a clutch with her manicured slender fingers.

Tim watched as the two headed down the corridor, dodging drunken couples and other partygoers left and right. Dick had a neutral look on his face, but Tim could tell that by the way he was moving, he felt mildly uncomfortable. They ducked into one of the rooms. Tim tried accessing another camera but found that the clearest visual of the room was from a surveillance camera outside the tiny frosted window of the room. Tim tried to make out what was happening to no avail.

He sighed. Oh great. Raising a hand up to his comms, Tim spoke, contacting his brothers.

"Jason, check out the third room on the left in the hallway from the entrance. Dick went in there approximately two hours ago."

Jason didn't reply, Damien answering for him instead. "The idiot's preoccupied. I'll go."

Tim switched the cameras and surely enough, Jason was struggling amongst a group of drunken college students who seemed to think Jason was one of them. Jason had the look of pure annoyance on his face that he normally reserved for his brothers. Tim grinned as he took a picture to use as blackmail for later.

He then switched back to the feed from before, reeling the timestamps backwards. As he'd expected, no one had entered or left the room.

Tim reset the screen back to the livestream and spotted Damien climbing out of the vents. Tim nodded to himself. So that's how he'd been getting around the place. With the Robin costume being so flashy, Tim had wondered how Damien hadn't been spotted yet.

Damien slowly opened the door and crept inside. Tim couldn't see him anymore, but trusted him to report back if there was anything strange. There were a few tense moments of silence.

"Grayson's not here."

"What? Wait, check if there's anything interesting."

"Drake, it's a minuscule storage room. The only things interesting here are bottles of bleach and detergents. But I guess a dirty imbecile like you would find such things interesting."

"Wow, rude. Damien, I'm surprised you even know of them."

"Okay Tim, that was pretty unoriginal." Jason commented, out of breath. "Ergh, fucking get off!" There was a distant crash as Jason presumably kicked another drunk off of him. It was a surprise how long the drunks were lasting against a pissed off Jason, even if they were innocent civilians.

Tim rolled his eyes and then frowned. If Dick wasn't in there, where was he?

"Okay, but seriously, he should still be in there because he hasn't gone back through the door. Try checking for secret passages or anything that looks out of order." Tim could hear Damien grumbling at the instructions as he carried them out. "Jason, look out for a woman, caucasian, brown hair, very generic looking. She could have changed her clothes, but she was spotted wearing a short black dress.... Um very low cut."

"Wow, that's a lot of information, thanks. I'll definitely be able to find her with that, don't worry." Tim could hear the sarcasm dripping off of Jason's voice.

"Screw you."

Tim pulled out the blueprints for the building, hoping to get more clues but found nothing out of the ordinary. If the building had been modified, it was definitely not made accessible through the internet. Perhaps it had been done on paper? He rubbed his chin as he thought. There was obviously something up with the place, but what could it possibly be?

Jason grunted again.

"You know what fuck civilians. I'm goint to fucking blow out their kneecaps."

"What? No Jason!"

Tim hurriedly changed the cameras so he could get a visual on his older brother. Luckily it seemed like Jason hadn't put any weight into his threat though he did increase his efforts to be left alone by tipsy strangers. Tim shook his head slightly as he watched Jason stumble slightly as he headed towards the room Damien was in all the while looking around for the mysterious woman and losing some of his drunk followers in the narrow hallways.

Tim's comm crackled, Damien's voice coming through.

"There's a hollowed section in the floorboard in the corner of the room. There's no sign of any fighting, meaning Grayson went in willingly and they let him in."

"Anything else?"

Damien gave an annoyed tut before answering. "I've determined which floorboards are mobile and the general placement of the machinery. I will locate its trigger soon."

Tim nodded and switched cameras to focus on Jason. "Okay then. Jay do you mind-"


Tim whipped around, eyes growing behind his mask as Dick appeared before him. "What are you doing here? I've been looking for you guys for ages!"

"Dick? You're... okay?"

Dick shook his head, placing his hands on his hips. "What did you think I was, dead?"

Jason spoke over the comms. "And so I hear the dildo hath doth returned."

"Oh God, don't tell me they're in there right now."

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