Chapter 25

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Tim watched as Dick paced in front of them.

They'd all been taken back to the Tower by their collars after Dick had exploded after finding out they'd gone into the club. He looked particularly disappointed in Jason, but Tim didn't see how that was different to how most people saw Jason on a normal basis. Honestly, Dick should've expected this.

Dick massaged his temples. "I should have expected this." He sighed before throwing his hands up in the air. "You could have called me! We have communicators for a reason!"

"Well, you could have fucking told us about going there in the first place so we don't have to call you, dumbass!" Jason retorted.

Dick rubbed a hand on his face and sighed. "Okay, fine, I was checking out a lead for us to investigate."

This piqued the brothers' interests. Jason raised an eyebrow as Damien leant forwards.

"Well did you find anything?"

Dick grinned, forgetting his anger at his brothers as he saw their curious expressions. "Well, yeah I did find something..."

Jason rolled his eyes. "Stop being dramatic and just spit it out."

"I'm not being dramatic,"

"Then hurry the fuck up!"

Dick raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. Calm down Jay." He leant forwards, face turning serious. "There's some suspicious activity going on inside that club. You know the room Damien was in? There's a secret contraption that leads to an underground basement."

"Yeah we figured."

Dick nodded and grimly continued.

"They're trafficking children down there."

Jason jumped up. "What the fuck? Those bastards!"

Tim also felt a sense of anger grip at his heart. He'd of course expected something like this, seeing as he was a realist, but it was heartbreaking none-the-less.

"Well, the current owner of the club doesn't know about it which is why they're so hard to track down because the club hasn't done anything to suggest any other activities."

"Look, I managed to find a source last night and I met up with them tonight under the guise of being a millionaire called Sandlers." Dick clenched his fists. "They've got at least a hundred kids down there."

"Okay then let's fucking get going!" Jason glared with murder in his eyes.

Dick rested a hand on his shoulder.

"Jason calm down! We need a plan first!"

Jason reluctantly sat down.

"Can't we just disguise ourselves, slip in and-" Jason made gun motions with his hands.

Dick shook his head. "That's not going to work. I got busted for not being Sandler so they'd be on high alert. I'd be surprised if they didn't lay low for a while."

"Well what are we gonna do then?"

"I don't know. It's pretty much impossible to get inside the place."

There was a moment of silence as everyone paused to think. Tim glanced at Damien.

"Dick did they say where they were sourcing the children?"

"Not directly, but they were alluding to poorer areas and remote public schools."

"Okay okay wait. Hear me out. I have a plan."

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