Chapter 23

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"Jay stop."

"No. I do whatever I want. I died, remember?"

Jason continued to polish his hand guns in the living room. Tim sighed, giving up. He knew that the Avengers found Jason uncomfortable as friendly as he was. Tim wondered if anyone would be comfortable around a trigger-happy sarcastic teenager with a gun. Not that they could do much about it seeing as Jason would probably flaunt his guns more often just to piss people off if anyone complained about it.

Steve turned his attention to Tim. "Where are the others?"

Tim opened mouth to reply before being rudely interrupted by Damien jumping down from the ceiling.

"Gra- Rees is meeting some harlot at a club." Damien wrinkled his nose.


"Oh ho! Dick's getting some ass-"

"Woah! Jay! PG!"

"Eh, fuck off."

There was a moment of silence before Tim turned to Damien. "Okay where is he exactly?"

Steve stood up before Damien could open his mouth. "No, no absolutely not." He shook his head with his arms crossed. "You're not going to a club, not when you're all under age."

Jason shot him a look of disgust, rolling his eyes as he sauntered off. "Nineteen, twenty, twenty one; same thing. No one freaking cares."

"It is different. How are you going to get past the bouncers anyways? Look, let's wait until he comes home and if he's not back within today, I'll go look for Declan myself." Steve reasoned.

Jason ignored him and kept walking away, making Steve chase after him. Tim sighed. He couldn't help but agree with Steve on the waiting part. There really was no reason to storm there right now, seeing as Dick was probably there for a reason... But then again, the brothers had been itching for some action for the past week so this stalking outing might be the perfect thing for them to let off some steam... Tim could hear Steve's shocked yell as Jason jumped off the terrace with Damien right behind him.

Tim paused for a moment before shrugging his shoulders and making his way to his room to change into his costume.

He moved the half finished machine aside on the table and picked up his mask, carefully placing it on his face before turning around.

Well, he couldn't miss out on the fun, could he?


"This is the place." Damien narrowed his eyes at the entrance to the club from the shadow they were hiding in, scrutinizing the bouncers. Tim nodded silently and directed his attention to Jason.

"So what's the plan?"

Jason took off his helmet and then his mask. "Since this really might just be Dick running wild, I'm gonna go in. If you don't hear from me in five, then feel free to come on in." He walked off, leaving Tim and Damien. Damien huffed under his breath, annoyed at potentially missing out on the action.

They watched silently as Jason confidently approached the bouncers. He said a couple of words to them, laughing at something as the two burly men shook their heads sternly. Jason rolled his eyes, turning back and walking away with a scowl on his face.

"Fucking bouncers and IDs- nothing like Gotham... Okay change of plans. Tim go distract them."


"Well, we can't send Demon to fucking kill them. Or do you want me to do something about them?"

Damien looked oddly proud at this. Tim inwardly groaned but agreed. He turned back around to assess the situation more closely.

The bouncers were standing right in front of the stairs down the basement club. They were two burly men, dressed simply in black. They were chatting quietly to each other and didn't seem to give off any malicious intent. Well, they were civilians simply doing their jobs... unless they weren't. But Tim was willing to bet on the former. He would have normally snuck up on them and knocked them out if they were bad guys and honestly, he really wanted to do that if it meant getting out of talking to them, but his conscience wouldn't allow him. He sighed and trudged towards them, straightening up as he approached.

"Hi, can I get in?" The bouncer on the right squinted at him before straightening up. Tim decided that just talking to them was a pretty stupid plan, especially because he was in his hero costume  and was no way close to looking like a fully grown adult. And if Jason couldn't get in because of age, there was no way he would. He probably looked like a random kid in an expensive bird costume... which wasn't exactly wrong but...

Yeah, he'd probably have to knock them out.

"Wait aren't you that guy on TV?" The other bouncer nodded. "Yeah, that kid wanting to fight Spidey! Got beat up by those Red Robbie dudes. You're famous!"

Tim choked slightly, hoping his brothers hadn't heard them. Seriously, Red Robbie? He laughed awkwardly. "Yup that's me. So-"

The bouncer interrupted, continuing as his voice became more excited and a twinkle in his eyes appeared. "You're shorter than you look on screen. Oh! You're a superhero, do you know the Avengers?" He stepped closer to Tim and away from the door. Tim ignored the jab about his height. Okay, maybe he could make this work. If only he could get the other Bouncer to move...

"Man, I can't believe I'm meeting a celebrity. John, did you know this guy was trending worldwide in a minute? Crazy stuff, crazy stuff."

The other bouncer, whose name was apparently John, nodded. "Yeah, yeah. Okay, why're you here kid?"

"Er.. I want to get in?"

John gave a chuckle. "Not unless you got ID. Good try but you ain't comin' in here."

"I'm here for something, um someone really important, can't you let me in just this once?"

"Nuh uh. Look, I have a kid at home. He's about your age and I ain't goin' tuh let you through. No minors through these doors. Not even if you are one of them supers."

The other bouncer looked like he wanted to protest. He opened his mouth, but shut it as John gave him a stern look.

"Fine. He stays outside." he turned to Tim. "I'm sorry dude, but rules are rules."

"Nah, I understand."

The bouncer looked sadly at his shoes before looking back up. "Can I snap a photo with you before you go? You know like a souvenir and stuff."

"Wow, that's- I-um... sure?" Tim shifted his weight onto the other foot. By this point he'd given up on getting them away. He'd distracted them but it wasn't enough to move them away and let his brothers through.

"Aw. Okay John you gotta get this perfect. I'm going to tell Sam I met a real life super!" The bouncer handed over his battered phone to John, moving to stand by Tim. Tim suddenly got an idea. Oh God this was so stupid.

"Hmm the lighting is a little dark here, why don't we step back a little. I think it'd come out best under the streetlight."

"Whatever you say tiny man." Tim wrinkled his nose at the comment on his height, knowing it wasn't intentional. But seriously, was he that short for it to come up twice in one conversation? The three of them walked over, close enough to the club entrance that they'd see anyone approaching, but probably not close enough to notice two shadows dart inside.

Tim wondered if that was enough for his brothers to get through. Who was he kidding, of course that was enough. As Tim stood next to the bouncer for the picture, he didn't see them but more felt intuitively that they'd gone inside.

"Gee, thanks for this!" The bouncer hastily retrieved his phone from the other guy to check the photo.

"No problem... Well, I guess I'll be gone then."

With a wave over his shoulder, Tim made his exit, grappling away to a nearby rooftop. He glanced over the edge, seeing the bouncers return to their positions and sighed.

Okay, now what.

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