Chapter 28

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"Dick, they've called for backup. It looks like everyone is headed your way. You sure you don't want me to come down?"

Tim leant back on his chair, typing in the coding for their machine. He knew they didn't need him there; they were more than skilled to take down this group of traffickers. But still, he couldn't deny it was hella boring in the Tower and asking wouldn't hurt.

"Nope, I think we're all good."


Tim sighed and switched feeds to spy on Damien who was dealing quite a bit of damage in the room. He watched as his brother leapt over the upturned table and charge at one of the guys who were still standing. The room was chaos, with food having been thrown everywhere, broken chairs scattered across the room and essentially everything that hadn't been bolted to the ground ended up flying somewhere else. Damien himself was covered in stains and dust amidst his fight. It also seemed he'd taken to using a broken table leg as a makeshift weapon instead of the plastic cutlery he had been using previously. He swung it around like some kind of forbidden baseball bat, warding off those that dared to get close with its sharp splintery edge.

Three men charged at Damien's back, yelling as one of them threw a glass at his head. Damien turned just in time to dodge the glass, but was nicked in the face slightly with flying shards. He growled and Tim watched as Damien's face contorted into a look of fury Tim knew so well. It was not going to be pleasant for the remaining guys at all.

Damien rushed forwards, throwing himself onto one of the men with a furious yell. He whacked the poor henchman in the face, knocking him out with one blow before moving on to his next target, whom he threw the table leg at. Tim held back a laugh as the man fell somewhat dramatically to the floor, holding his head where he'd been hit. Damien promptly knocked him out with a swift kick to the temple.

Damien stood up and surveyed the room, chest rising and falling as he caught his breath. Tim also looked through the camera for any hidden enemies and wasn't surprised when he saw none.

He watched as Damien glanced up at the vent before stalking through the room in search for the keys. Unfortunately, during the scuffle, the key holder had flown off the shelf, sending the twenty or so odd keys in all directions. Although his comms were still offline, Tim could almost hear Damien grumble under his breath as he flipped another henchman with his foot to check whether there was a key under him.

Tim switched cameras again to his older brothers. Oh. It wasn't pretty. Despite both of them being extremely skilled, there were far too many enemies approaching them at once. It didn't help at all that the fight had moved to a wider space, meaning that all the enemies were able to approach at once. Nor did the fact that there were some thugs that had made it to the higher platforms to rain bullets down on them.

Unlike the thugs Damien had been up against, these guys were armed and ready to fight.

Jason had pulled out his guns and was trying to aim at the men above whilst dodging the onslaught of those on ground level. Tim watched as he aimed a shot at a man in the rafters and immediately slammed the gun down on the head of an unfortunate soul who'd decided it was the perfect moment to attempt to tackle the second Robin. The said man crumpled to the ground and Jason leapt over him, moving to engage with another thug wielding a knife. Mm.. was that?

Tim leant forwards slightly, trying to take a closer look at his brother. The fight progressed into a darker region and Tim squinted, changing cameras to see if he could get a better angle.

Suddenly the door opened behind Tim, scaring the life out of him, though he'd never admit it aloud.

"Hey what're you up to?"

Tim leapt up, instinctively trying to cover the screen. He saw Jason receive a blow to the shoulder from one of the bigger men.

"No Tony get out!"

Tony raised his eyebrows and swiveled on his feet. "Okay... I don't think want to know."

"What it's-" Tim spluttered as the door closed. He sighed. He'd deal with Tony later. He turned back to the screen just in time to see Damien leap ferally into the fight. Dick tossed the katana to him and Tim swore Damien's face morph into a toothy grin as he immediately unsheathed it to hack at his closest assailants.

Meanwhile, Jason had gotten back up and was fighting with newfound vigor, knocking down man after man like dominos. Tim shrugged off his previous suspicions. All the while, the men above them were still hailing down bullets on the boys. Tim watched Jason nearly dodge a bullet and could almost hear his angry curse as he threw his empty gun above, accurately hitting one of the men and causing him to lose balance and fall off the platform below. Jason immediately pulled out another handgun and continued fighting.

Satisfied at the current progress they were making, Tim switched the camera back to the cage area with the children. It looked like the commotion his brothers were making had drawn all the sentries to them, leaving the area clear to pass by without being noticed. Tim spotted the other boy Damien had been with at the corner of the screen scurrying over to the cages. Tim had correctly assumed Damien had given the boy the keys to free his fellow captives and watched as the child tried the keys one by one on the locks.

Tim switched the camera several times, checking once again for any lingering thugs that could harm the children. No one. Yes, this was good.

Going back to where the fight was, Tim watched as Dick leapt over a man and kicked him in the back of the head. As usual, he was showing off his performance-like fighting, but Tim could see that he was somewhat slower than normal. Which was honestly no wonder. The fight had been dragging on for a while, with more and more thugs appearing from the dark recesses of their hideout. It was a relief that they'd almost got everyone now. With the three working together it would only be a matter of minutes until...

Tim watched Dick's eyes widen as he lunged forward at something out of the camera frame. Tim's heart sank as his fingers leapt to the keyboard, flicking through the cameras in the area. He flicked by Damien, who seemed to be fighting even more ferociously, slashing everything and everyone in his path. Jason...

Jason was on the ground in an awkward heap clutching at his abdomen which was flowing with blood. His face was pale, but his eyes held a determined look. Tim could see the sweat drip off his brow as he shifted over to the left with great pain, steadily moving out of the way of the path of the man that Dick had intercepted in his stead. Dick took down the man brutally, slamming his head onto the concrete ground and immediately engaged with another who leapt at his back.

Tim took a deep breath, trying to calm his shaking fingers down as he linked himself to Jason's comms, remotely turning on the system so that Jason didn't have to move any more than he needed to. Tim immediately heard Jason's ragged heavy breathing.

"Jason, you-"

"Yeah, shit"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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