Chapter 11: An Eye Full. [Edited]

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Nathan Underhill.

Joshua pulled me along the corridor until we entered a massive room lined with rows of bookshelves. The ceiling, three stories above us, let sunlight through the skylights that provided light for the students who sat at the reading tables. The sweet, musky scent of books lingered in the air. There's nothing better than the smell of old books, the feel of the paper beneath your fingertips and the sound of pages flipping. E-books be damned!

Seconds later, I slammed my ass onto a coffee-brown chair while Joshua sat down opposite of me on another sofa. A small glass coffee table separated us. Joshua's face said it all—I fucked up.

"What's wrong with you?" he whisper-yelled.

I groaned while hiding my face in my hands in shame. What did I do? Growling in front of them? Seriously!? I've never allowed anyone to rattle my bones like that. Why was it happening all of a sudden? He was right! What is wrong with me?

"I don't know, alright. That fucking nut caught me off-guard, shoving me away like that."

Joshua's eyes narrowed. "And why's that?"

"Someone has a crush." Fenrus snickered.

"Oh, shove off! He's just a nuisance really. A nuisance we don't have time for." I fought back, trying to gain the upper hand on the problem before it became worse. I couldn't allow myself to fall for Adam. Damn, he was hot! Shaking Adam's hand made my balls curl up in delight.

"HA! You just admitted it!"

I grumbled under my breath. "No, I didn't! Stop making it more difficult."

"Hello! Nat. Are you still with me?" Joshua snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry. Had to deal with an annoying inner voice in my head."

"Annoying! Little! How dare you!"

"Shush! Be quiet. The adults are talking."

I redirected my attention to Joshua and cut the link to Fenrus. He could be annoying at times. If it were up to him, he would have rolled over and bared his stomach to Adam in a jiffy. I would even go so far as to say he would have handed my ass over to Adam on a silver platter.

"Now, who's the one with the dirty ideas?" Fenrus snickered as he broke through my mental barrier.

"I said shush!"

Fenrus' laugh bounced around my head, giving me a slight headache. Damn, fur ball.

"I asked you a question? How did Dillon catch you off-guard? Shouldn't you have been able to sniff him out before he ploughed through us?" Joshua's eyes lit up. "Oh my spirit! You were totally enamored with Adam, weren't you?"

I quickly shot back, too quickly. "No, I wasn't."

Joshua didn't swallow my excuse. "Yeah right, and Arno is the virgin Mary."

He scooted closer to me, sitting on the table in front of me. "Do you like him?"

"No," I deflected half-heartedly.

"And the drool running from your mouth back there when you shook hands with him was just a mild case of an aneurism?"

"Come on, not you too! I don't have time for a romantic relationship." I groaned.

Joshua squealed, jumping up and down. "So do you like him to the point that you want a relationship with him?"

"I didn't say that." I squirmed in my seat. Shit, Nat. Keep your mouth shut before you give Joshua another fit.

Defiance: The Hybrid's Tale (MxM)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin