Chapter 43: Mirror, Mirror. [Edited]

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Cassandra Pope.

I walked up to the mirror and called out to Aveny who showed up moments later. There were a few things I had to take care of. My father would soon discover that his alchemist had died. And he would know who did it. I wasn't afraid of his response, but I had to be prepared for the inevitable confrontation. He'd finally realize that I wasn't on his side and never was.

"Cassy, what's the matter?" she asked, pressing both of her hands onto the mirror's icy surface. How I wanted to touch, hug, and kiss her.

I shook my head. It wasn't time for daydreaming. "I need you to contact Celeste and tell her to pass on a message to Alex... It's time."

Her brows furrowed. "It's time?"

I nodded while walking over to the wall next to my nightstand. "Yeah. I gave him instruction to flee to where Nathan and my sister were hiding when the time came."

"And now's the time."

I nodded again, waving my hand over the wall. The fabric of space warped, and a safe appeared out of the wall. I enchanted it to conceal my most valuable belongings. But why hide this thing close to where another witch/warlock could reach it, some would say? It was undetectable. Only the person who hid it could trace or reveal its location. So, no matter how hard my father and brother searched, they never found it.

I unlocked the safe and retrieved all the valuables from the safe and stuffed them in a bag. The blood orb I had from Vance I placed in my pocket.

"Please, Aveny. Make it quick. We have barely any time before the veil falls from their eyes. While you're warning Celeste of the impending danger, I'll contact Vance to get the ritual from him."

"And what if he doesn't have it?" she asked.

Her words made me stop in my tracks. It was a possibility. But I suspected that the old fart back at the council was holding out on his end of the deal, to force me to cooperate with him in the future. Pfft! If that was going to happen. If he wanted my co-operation, he had to hand over the ritual first. I walked over to the patio door and opened it. The night's chilly embrace warped around me.

"Good luck." Aveny vanished from the mirror while my eyes scanned the tree line of the surrounding forest.

I stepped forward and appeared near one of the trees lining the property. I then made my way into the darkened forest.


After about an hour's walk, I came across a pond filled with clear water. The moon's light rippled along the surface. The forest was quiet, except for a few hoots from an owl that echoed out into the night. I walked up to the waterline and retrieved the blood orb I gave Vance nearly a half a year ago. After all this time, I still had nothing to show for my efforts. Over the last three months, I had to stall the wedding and take on the role of Bridezilla to throw a wrench into my father's plans. However, he had taken matters into his own hands and got me pregnant.

I had no intention of having the child fall into my father's clutches. Look at what he did with Nathan and Alex. One was an abomination in his eyes, and the other was an enormous disappointment. No matter how I felt about carrying Victor's child, I wasn't planning on aborting it. I had to face the consequences of my mishap. I rubbed my stomach. This child was going to be born free of my father and Victor's corruptive influence.

I took the orb and started crushing it in my hand. The blood inside dropped into the water. "Bei deinem blut befehle ich dir. Treten Sie vor." I finished in German. The origins of the blood spell I cast.

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