Chapter 27: Forced Matrimony My Ass! [Edited]

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Cassandra Pope.

Bursting through the doors of the living room, I rushed over to the fireplace. I clasped onto the overhead shelf, rocking back and forth on the heels of my shoes. I glared into the crackling fire. Fuck my father! How could he?! Playing with my life as if he owned it. How could I have been so naïve? I should have expected this from him. I whipped around. A young maid, no older than my nephew, scurried wide-eyed toward me when I snapped my fingers at her.

"Y-Yes mistress?" she asked in a voice reminiscent of a frightened mouse. Her eyes darted to the nearest exit, no doubt scared out of her wits. I couldn't blame her. My father had the temper of a viper and would strike the nearest victim in a fit of rage. But I wasn't my father.

"Don't worry, dear. I will not harm you and you're not in trouble." Her shoulder slumped as a soft sigh escaped her mouth. "I want you to pour me a triple scotch on the rocks, please." The young girl quickly scampered off, fulfilling my request.

I returned to the fireplace, lapping up the warmth from the fire. After a few minutes of silence, the young girl walked over toward me with a silver tray in her hands. I took the glass of Scotch from her and gulped it down in two swigs. I savored the burning smoky flavor of the scotch that lingered on my tongue.

Just then, the devil waltzed into the living room, accompanied by his hellhound. I shoed off the young girl before she got bit by my father's temper. I watched as she disappeared out into the foyer. The instant my deranged brother started smirking, I threw the empty glass at him. The glass collided with his nose before it shattered to pieces on the ground. Ethan yelled in anger, gripping his nose. Blood seeped through his fingers and onto the wooden floor.

"Fuck! You bitch!" he shouted.

I pointed to the living room door. "Get the hell out of here!" I hissed at Ethan. "I don't have the stomach to see your face."

Before Ethan could retaliate with another slew of colorful words, my father raised his hand to silence him. "Get out."

My brother's beady eyes flickered between us before he huffed and stomped out of the room, with his walking corpse following behind him. She tried to coo him up the stairs. I internally snickered. Aveny would never have given a rat's ass about him.

After their voices faded from my ears, I glanced over at my father. He stood behind the bar counter, pouring a drink. He hummed a jovial tune as if he had no problems in the world, or if he caused none. My nails dug into the palms of my hands. The bastard didn't care. I sighed and retreated to the door. There was no way that I was willing to spend another moment in the same room as my father. If I had the power, I would have ended him there, right on the spot, but reality stared me in the face. He was more powerful than me. I had to suck it up. Pretend to follow along with my father's wishes until I could act on my plans. If I couldn't beat him with sheer force, I would undo him with my mind.

"Where are you going?" my father asked.

I turned around and said, "I'm heading to bed. I had enough of this evening."

"You're not going to talk about what happened tonight. I can see the fury of my decision flickering behind those pretty eyes of yours." My father smirked.

I replied, "What would my outburst achieve? Absolutely nothing." I had a better chance of forcing a dragon into submission than convincing my father to dissolve the marriage arrangement. "It doesn't matter how much I complain or fight father on this, we both know it won't change your mind. I had hoped that I was more than just a pawn in your game... but I see I was wrong."

Maybe it was the anger at my father or the frustrations that my plans didn't work out as I had hoped, but I never blatantly challenged my father. Doing so wasn't conducive to one's health; however, at this moment I didn't care. If my father thought I was about to play the obedient little wife role to that asshole, he could choke on his dick for all I cared. Before I could storm out of the room, my father grabbed my upper arm.

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