Chapter 20: WTF Happened? [Edited]

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Adam Wick.

Tyson and I were lounging in the cinema room while I drowned my misery with booze. How did a single misunderstanding punch me in the balls so hard? I made a joke for Goddess sakes! Okay. Maybe I lost my cool when he shot me down and castrated me in front of my friends, but what was I supposed to do? Alphas, in general, didn't take it lightly when others disrespected them.

"He didn't disrespect us, dumbass," Bane chided. "He merely stated that he didn't want to kiss you because he didn't know you well enough."

"Come on, I was joking with him," I groaned, rubbing my eyes. "Maybe I was kinda hoping for a peck on the cheek for my cheekiness." I pressed the cold bottle of beer against my flustered cheek, hoping to cool off.

"You were licking your lips off while staring at Nathan's, ready to devour him whole. No wonder he got freaked out."

"I fucked up, didn't I?" I threw my head back onto the backrest of the couch.

"Yes, yes, you did."

"Hey man, are you all right?" asked Tyson.

I took another swig of beer. "Yeah! Bane's gnawing my ass to pieces for messing things up with Nathan."

I hoped I didn't screw things up too badly with Nathan for him to forgive me. I really liked him, and his sassy attitude was a big turn-on.

"Get your head out of the gutter. It's because of your dirty little thoughts that we're in this mess," Bane said with a huff.

"You've got your hands full with that one, I'll tell you. Do you think your father will approve of the guy you're hoping to date and to top it off a warlock as well?" Tyson grabbed a handful of crisps from a bowl next to him on the empty seat and scoffed them down. He then gulped down the last of his beer.

Ah, my dad. The pain in my ass the moment I told him I was gay. The news hit him for a home run. Fury was the least of his emotions. He ignored me for months, but my sister whittled down his resolve until he started acknowledging my existence again.

Our relationship has never been the same since, but we at least reached a common point of view where we respected each other's choices. Even though my father would never approve of the mate I would one day choose, he'd at least keep his mouth shut and try to accept my choice. This was for the sake of my happiness.

"Well, no. But it's not his choice. He'll just have to suck it up like I did since he started seeing the Supreme."

Tyson bent forward and pulled another can of beer out of a cooler next to his armrest. "You're not happy that your father is moving on?"

"It's not that. My mother died over a decade ago, and I'm happy that he's moving on. But no one foresaw my father would drag his kill under the Supreme's bed."

Playfully, Tyson poked me in the shoulder. "So, I imagine Joshua's probably going to be your stepbrother, one of these—"

Before he could finish his taunt, the room's doors burst open. One of my pack members flew into the room, landing on his ass with a hiss and curse. It was Bobby. Oh, fuck. What had he done now? He always got into a fight when he was drunk, or pushed his luck with the ladies, so it was safe to say that he fucked up again.

As we got up from our seats, Maisie and my sister charged into the room. Bobby tried to struggle to his feet before my sister dug her heels into his chest and pushed him onto his back. Her pale blue eyes glared at the gladiator at her feet. Her dominating aura flared up, burning up the room. Even I flinched. Shit, she was pissed.

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