FORTY-TWO - Broken

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WARNING: Extreme Violent content ahead. This might be triggering. If not comfortable, skip it.

I think I've lost track of time by now

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I think I've lost track of time by now. Maybe around a week? If my attempt of keeping a record of the timeline is correct, he's been bringing me shitty food once a day. 

He uses that time to taunt me, knowing I'll answer back. He uses it as an excuse to slap or punch me in the face, claiming I anger him.


He loves this. And I love answering and annoying him just as much. 

I only regret it when he hits me because of the little bean growing inside of me. 

Don't be an idiot Mel, keep a reign in on your attitude.

But my strength—mental and physical—is failing me big time. The food, on top of being shitty, is not nutritious and barely enough for myself. Knowing this, the bastard has given me the honour of a stinky mattress on the floor instead of a wooden chair.

Wrist bound no more, but clearly... He knows I have no energy to run away at this point.

"It fucking stinks," I grumble.

At this point, it's not clear what smells worse. Me... Or the cell.

The loud rusty sound of the only metal door opening startles me. And as if that weren't enough, my kidnapper's voice follows it, "Did you miss me?" 

"I thought you'd forgotten about me," I answer sarcastically.

In a swift movement, he unlocks the metal bars separating us and walks inside. The bodyguard who was just by the door takes a few steps closer and locks it, taking the keys with him before retreating a few steps back. Fuck.

"Oh no, I have big plans for you Miss Corte Real. I am all yours now." 

I can hear the smirk in his voice and it's enough to activate my temper. My need to bite back must be greater than my will to live.

"Like anyone would want you." I scoff at him.

I see his blue eyes darken, as rage takes over and the next thing I know my face is forced to the side with a strong slap. It stings like a bitch but I don't show it. Instead, I laugh. Maniacally 

As it has been every day before today, his face is almost fully covered. Only the eye area is visible, taunting me every day with the electric blue eyes I fell in love with the past few months. The same electric blue irises that have been torturing me in this shithole for close to a week now.

I know they're not the same. 

The height and movements are completely different. Not to mention the voice too. 

But they're surely related. And deep down I wonder how much of what's happening here does Luca know. 

Has he been watching while this depraved minion tries to break me every day? Is he unaware of my disappearance? Surely not. 

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