TWENTY-SEVEN - Hidden Truths

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Another week has passed

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Another week has passed. We're halfway through November now and time has flown by. Luca and I haven't been able to stay apart for long, seeing each other at least every two days.

With Shane having Jessica over more often, I've been going to his house instead. Being out of their way most of the time has made her be nicer to me. I'm grateful because Shane is a constant in my life now and if she wants to be one in his life too, she'll have to accept me as much as I have to accept her.

Exactly everything I didn't want to happen when I came back is happening: being focused on a guy. I was expecting to enjoy this winter by myself, strengthening my friendships and finally have a group of people I could rely on, for a change.

I've been itching for some adrenaline and the fact that Wayne will be back from a business trip makes it the perfect time to plan something.

I know Sol won't be up for it, it's too extra for her. But I'm feeling giddy for thinking about it. And because I know Shane is a pussy, I'll keep it a secret until we get there so he won't back down. He'll be falling into my trap... literally!

"Hey, you free today?" I Say from the office's door, peeking inside.

Shane shuffles the paperwork together with a slight jump, concealing it somehow before turning back to me. "No sorry, I have a lot of work today."

I slump my shoulders and sigh, I am bored out of my mind. He is getting deeper into that "job" and the fact he's fucking secretive about it only makes my noisy ass even more curious. I'm hoping to catch him off guard and see what that shit is about.

At the end of the day, I can't take it anymore. He's been in the freaking cave the entire day, leaving it only to go to the toilet and make sandwiches. 

With dinner done and it late being already, I open his bedroom door in quite a dramatic and rough way, making it hit the wall. He jumps on the chair and shuffles the documents on the desk, concealing them again.

"Let's go have dinner."

"Let me just fini-"

"No. You're going to get the hell up and have dinner with me." I cut him off before he can say something else.

Shane grumbles something under his breath but doesn't fight me and I'm glad. I am pleased he knows when not to fight me because I know he's dedicated to his work as much as I am to mine but I know when enough is enough and he's been working like crazy these past few days. Once we seat at the table we start eating in silence and I can tell his mind is still elsewhere.

"Hey, let it go for a little bit. You've been deep into work; you need to relax. As a matter of fact, in a few days, once Wayne is back, we're going out for some fun. The three of us!" I smirk at him knowingly. 

What I have prepared, he won't see it coming.

"Yeah, but I need to figure this out as fast as possible, I have a deadline to achieve otherwise I'm fucked." He mutters but with an edge to his voice that gives me a light chill and not the good kind.

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