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Felix Volturi

The first thing Felix noticed when picking up Lilith was the dusting of blush over her nose and cheeks that seemed to permanently stain her pale complexion. It was probably the only thing Felix would miss about her being human, however, eternity with your soulmate was worth the loss of one minor facial feature. Her long curly black hair was pulled up into a messy bun with a few stray pieces framing her face. She looked comfortable in her black sweater, leggings and red plaid skirt, having told her to dress warmly for the date he had planned.

She was the most beautiful thing Felix had ever seen in his life. Both immortal and otherwise.

She kissed her father goodbye before coming to join him on the porch. Felix surprisingly found himself getting along with Charlie. Though he supposed that he would get along with anyone that would defend and care for his mate just as fiercely as himself, and despite his awkward demeanour Charlie opened up quite quickly once they discovered their shared love of sport. On the other hand, Felix also found himself despising the other Swan sister and their mother alike and his dislike of the Cullens quickly curdled into hatred.   

He found the pale brunettes general lack of care for her family and those around her to be disgusting, her infatuation with the bronze-haired mind reader to be utterly pathetic and the way she treated her sister to be truly abhorrent. The last reason being the reason he hated her the most, for Felix would destroy anyone who harmed his mate. They were traits in the girl that he wondered if they were inherited because from what Lilith had said Bella was a lot like their mother.

She took both her children out of spite despite knowing she couldn't look after them both than kicked out the one that she loved so that she could follow a minor league baseball player around the back alleys of America. They were both selfish in their actions and Bella certainly proves it time and time again. If it wasn't for his master's friendship with the blonde patriarch of the Cullen clan he would have killed her for the events that took place in Italy. Though that smaller voice of reason in the back of his head would remind him that if those events did not occur than they would not have met in that moment and he would have had to wait even longer to find her. For Felix firmly believed that true mates were destined to cross paths at some point in life, for the universe would not have mated them otherwise.

Lilith smiled up to him as they made their way down into the tree line and Felix swore to himself that he would fight to protect that smile, for every day of the rest of hs life if he had to.

"So bear, where are we going today?" She asked, eyes sparkling with excitement.

"That my dear lily pad is a surprise" He jested back gently booping her nose. The small laugh she let out warming his heart. Felix crotched down so that she could climb on his back. Felix would be lying to himself if he said he didn't enjoy the way her arms would tighten around his neck she she would bury her face in his shoulder whenever he would run her anywhere. Just as they were getting closer to their destination Felix ran into an ally as not to draw suspicion to the pair as they were now in a big city. It would be hard to explain to the humans how they just appeared out of nowhere.

"Now close your eyes and trust me" He spoke softly as she jumped down from his back. He pulled her in close to his side and placed a cool hand around her waist. Not only did Felix not want to lose her in the mildly congested crowd, but he also wanted her to feel safe on their way.

He wouldn't let her fall on his watch.

"You're definitely not kidnapping me right Fe?" She joked nuzzling into his side "Cause we have come along way from home just to end up in an ally"

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