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Lilith Swan

The next day leading up to the battle seemed non-existent, it didn't quite feel real. Yes, there was training and strategising and preparation. However, it seemed almost like make-belief, that everyone was secretly paying a facade and it would all go back to normal next week. Fortunately for me though, I was not sleeping upon a frigid mountain top isolated from any help or assistance with no way of contacting anyone in case of an emergency.

I chose to stay at home during the battle, Victoria wasn't looking for me anyway, and in the worst-case scenario some poor newborn decided to eat me then I had Felix on standby. He received a letter in return from Aro detailing about the guard being sent to deal with the newborns, albeit later than he would have liked them dispatched, so they would undoubtedly make an appearance anyway.

As I was left to my own devices, finishing off the last of my work before I finished for good. A part of me felt successful. It was mid-June so my exams were over and any loose ends were being thoroughly knotted, but this was also the part that hurt the most. I never really had a plan once I got my degree, maybe I would have got a PGCE and become a teacher, moved down here permanently and gotten a job at Forks high school. Maybe I would have travelled for a year and seen anywhere. But now this would probably be the last few months that I would see Charlie, possibly not on the slim chance I could visit again if even once.

I never really made a close friend group at university, I had inherited far too many of dad's genes to not hold some level of awkwardness. That and my hidden bitterness at being sent away in the first place really wasn't helping my case. Though that was my own fault. Maybe I could have been more social, more open, more expressive. But there is no point in pondering those what-ifs now. I am alive. I have Felix. I have Rose and Emmett. Rose and I swapped contact details as soon as we could. I will certainly miss her snarky comments at Edward and Bella.

My moping was swiftly cut short by a timid knock at the door. Charlie went fishing and everyone else was at the clearing. An overwhelming sense of suspicion washed over me in waves, but before I could panic too much I was comforted by my inner thoughts.

You're not in danger, she wants answers

But before I could question myself anymore the knocking came again followed by a soft-spoken voice that was thick with paranoia and fear. "Please, I'm looking for someone and I thought you could help me?" and without even seeing the mystery woman face I could almost picture the tears streaming down her face.

Moving quickly off the sofa I darted to the door but didn't immediately open it. "What do you mean by 'I thought you could help me', I'm sorry but I don't recognise your voice" I could physically feel her fear through the door the longer we played this game. "I'm so sorry to bother you with this but I was looking for someone gifted with intuition, my own gifts have lead me here" Pausing to gather my thoughts I finally decided to let her in. In the worst-case scenario, Felix is one button away.

As I opened the door I was met with a tan woman of small stature. Her eyes were a captivating shade of forest green and her shiny hair a brilliant midnight black. At first look, her style struck me as very bohemian, the floral burgundy dress she was wearing suited her nicely. She looked appreciative as I invited her inside. 

"Tea?" I offered as I lead her to the sofa so that she would be comfortable.

"Yes please if you wouldn't mind" she smiled as she sat down. "Oh, I'm Garnet by the way" the paranoia from earlier seemed to be slowly ebbing away.

"I'm Lilith, pleased to meet you" I replied on my way to the kitchen to grab all the necessary items for tea, putting the kettle on to boil. "You said you used your own gifts to find me?" I pushed, wanting to know why she would seek me out, as the kettle finished boiling I poured the water into the teapot before putting everything on a ray and taking it to the living room table.

"Ah" she started smiling gratefully at the cup handed to her "I am a witch you see, and I was looking for someone gifted with intuition to help me find someone and answer a couple of questions, but I needed someone already familiar with the more supernatural side of life, it does make it less awkward to explain" she slowly took a sip of her drink before continuing "You see I would have done it myself if I specialised in divination or more psychic work, however, I am but a humble herbologist and kitchen witch at heart and thought that it would be better to seek out someone more talented"

"So how did you end up here?" I asked now thoroughly confused.

"Victoria tried to turn me at first but I managed to convince her of my use as a witch, as a herbologist I can make some brilliant potions" she explained with a proud look on her face "However, she kept a very close eye on me to ensure I wouldn't try to escape or kill her. Not that I could. One night I managed to get alone I met a kind vampire named Demetri who was spying on the newborns. He suggested that when the army attempted to fight those Cullens that I use it as a distraction. While Victoria went for her revenge and the foot soldiers were being picked off I could run. He told me that his friend Felix had a mate who was clairaudient and might be able to help me." her fingers were anxiously running the rim of the mug she was holding.

"So that's why you were so scared, you thought that a newborn might find you before you got to me," I asked now piecing everything together.

"Honestly, I thought that you might have gone somewhere else for safety and that I would have been found a traitor" She attempted to laugh but sounded quite tense.

"Well luckily I was home" I joked "Don't worry the newborns will be destroyed and so will Victoria" I tried to reassure the woman, she looked around my age and clearly had her whole life ahead of her, she shouldn't worry about the newborns anymore. "I'll be glad to offer my assistance in any way that I can."

"Thank you so much" she smiled "As compensation for your help, I would like to offer you something, anything in return as a way to say thank you" and soon an idea came to my head.

"You said you can make potions right? Well, I have a question..."

I am about to mess with the entire canon : )

Thank you for reading~

Clairaudience / / F. VolturiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora