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I wouldn't say I hear voices in my head, but rather I experience a series of auditory intuitions that never seem to be wrong

Lilith Swan

As much as I didn't trust Alice Cullen I loved my dad more. If following my selfish sister to Italy to ensure her safety, thus saving his sanity, then it was a journey I was willing to make. If only she would think about how her actions affected those around her than maybe we wouldn't be here in the first place.  

Cliff diving

Motorcycle racing 

Storming over to a boy's house when his father doesn't want you there

Involving yourself in a vampires life when he pushes you away

This whole scenario could have been avoided. Had she thought about her actions and what they would cause.

Alice pushed open the doors to the clock tower with surprising strength. Whatever she said went past my ears as I looked over to Bella clutching a bronze haired boy as if he would disappear if she let go for merely a second. His eyes were sunken in an awful shade of purple. Hair disheveled and dull. Even for an undead creature of the night, his pale skin was almost grey and tired looking. This boy looked like he had been forced to exist, though if what I have gathered of the story is true then he basically had. As we made eye contact his face twisted into something awfully confused and almost frustrated.

Edward Cullen

But before I could ponder any longer on my thoughts, they were disturbed by the sense of someone looking down my back, sending shivers down my spine.  I looked over to see a pair of men. The one on the left was far shorter than his companion. Though by glancing at him, this was something that couldn't be helped. He had a charming smirk on his face and a mischievous glint in his eyes. The one on the right, however, caught my attention in a way I could never prepare myself for. As we looked into each other's eyes, some part of my subconscious mind clicked into place with an immediate sense of satisfaction, a part of my mind that wasn't even aware it wasn't satisfied until this very moment. I could only describe it as my soul calling out across the universe for a lover lost long to time. 


Small note:

Lillith's thoughts = italic

Her clairaudience = italics and underlined

everything else will be in standard text

Thank you for reading~

Clairaudience / / F. VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now