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Lilith Swan

The house was surprisingly empty with Bella at her graduation party and dad working late down at the station. For once it was nice to have a single evening without any Cullens or wolves patrolling the house. But before Felix and I could start watching a movie the house phone began ringing. Groaning Felix went over and picked up the phone only to swiftly put it back down, his words spoken too quickly for my human ears to perceive.

"I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count" He grumbled mild pout adorning his face. As much as I wanted to be annoyed at being summoned by the Cullens I couldn't help the small laugh that bubbled out my throat at the cute face he was making. He gasped in playful mock offence before speeding over to me on the sofa and nuzzling his head into my neck.

"Here I am just trying to enjoy my evening with my mate when I am oh so rudely interrupted, and then said mate has the audacity to laugh at my misery" his low growly voice tickled the side of my neck causing me to laugh harder at his childish antics.

"The sooner we get this over with the faster we can leave!" I chocked out through my last dying giggles as Felix only lifted his head enough for us to have eye contact. A look of mischief and mirth danced across his crimson eyes before he released me and offered his hand so that we could begin our journey into the vampire den.

"They'll be here in four days" Alice explained to us, worry thick in her voice,

"This could turn into a bloodbath" Carlisle's face was yet again riddled with grief and regret, something that had become all too common over these coming weeks.

"Who's behind it?" Edward asked.

"I didn't see anyone I recognised apart from one. Riley Biers" came her scared reply. As a seer, I can imagine that Alice is usually in a position of always knowing what will be, so being stuck where she doesn't know what's going to happen must be jarring and unfamiliar.

"He's local but we know he didn't start this, have you seen any sign of Victoria?" Edward's questioning was turning harsh and desperate. However, her only response was a quick shake of her head.

"They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision" Carlisle reasoned pushing off the table he was previously hunched on.

"Either way the army is coming and there isn't enough of us to protect the town" Much like Felix, Jasper was very blunt and to the point in these types of scenarios and he tends not to speak much either.

"hold up! What damn army?" Jacob immediately became angry at the idea. Though I must say that this was a surprise. The pack knew about Victoria after the patrols so I don't know why he wouldn't know about what was happening in Seattle, especially seeing as how much time he spends with my sister.

"Newborns. Our kind" This was the first time I had ever heard any bluntness from Carlisle, the patriarch was often soft-spoken and rather docile. 

"What are they after?" questioned one of the pack boys.

"They were passing around Bella's scent, a red blouse" Alice explained. This must have been what was stolen before the first meeting we were forced to.

"They're after Bella. What the hell does this mean?" Jacob clearly wasn't quite with it. The answer is obvious. They want her dead.

"It means an ugly fight with lives lost" Carlisle grimly explained.

"Alright, we're in" Jacob agreed.

"No. You'd get yourselves killed. No way" I don't know what Bella was getting so worked up about. He's a shapeshifter and she's a human, if anything she should be concerned about herself.

"I wasn't asking for permission" He sniped.

"Edward?" Bella begged.

"it means more protection for you" He relented, acting as if the words caused him physical pain.

"Jacob, do you believe Sam would agree to an understanding?" Carlisle asked, already knowing that there was no choice but to fight.

"As long as we get to kill some vampires" He agreed.

"Jasper?" Carlisle wanted to affirm with the southern boy.

"They'll give us the numbers, newborns won't know they even exist that'll give us an edge" He seemed to agree with the plan, everyone seemed to agree par Bella.

"we'll need to coordinate" Carlisle planned out loud

"Carlisle they're gonna get hurt" Bella began begging again, but her pleas seemed to be falling on deaf ears.

"And you're not" I snapped, she seemed to forget that the both of us are the only vulnerable people in this whole scenario. She quickly sat back down.

"We'll all need some training fighting newborns requires knowledge that jasper has, you're welcome to join us" Carlisle offered to the pack.

"Alright, name the time and place" Jacob agreed.

"Jake, you don't know what you're getting yourself into" Bella began yet again.

"Bella this is what we do. you should be happy look at us, working together. you are the one who wanted us to get along, remember?" Although he was being incredibly condescending, this exact moment is probably the only time I haven't disliked the boy.

"Well this is all good and grand, but can I ask why the two of us were even summoned in the first place?" Felix harshly questioned from beside me. Carlisle looked a touch awkward before slowly bringing his hands together.

"Well seeing as Bella is Lilith sister we thought that she might want to be informed about what is happening" but he was quickly cut off by Felix.

"Are they passing about her scent?" Alice shook her head no. "Are they showing any kind of interest in Lilith at all?" and she shook her head again "Would Victoria have a single shred of a reason to harm her?" and for the final time Alice shook her head as Felix scrutinising eyes cast over the Cullens present in the room. "Then this isn't her problem" He finished.

"I can understand where you're coming from Felix, but we were wondering if you would be willing to help us, at least with the training even if you don't fight when the army comes to Forks" Carlisle kept his voice calm and mild as not to further anger the executioner as he towered over the rest of the Cullens.

"That I can assist with, however, whether or not I fight in your battle will depend on what message comes back from Aro and the guard, as well as what Lilith wants me to do, as I have stated, this is not our fight. It's yours Cullens, and maybe if you had killed her the first time as you were supposed to this wouldn't have been a problem."

Thank you for reading~

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