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Edward Cullen

The bronze haired telepath had never been more anxious in his life, alive nor dead. Even as he and his now-wife entered the beautiful house on Isle Esme he couldn't stop the echoing of Felix words in his head.

First, you said she would be turned at graduation, then you bargain with her to turn once you get married. If you keep postponing her change Cullen there will be consequences on you and your clan. If she isn't changed by the time you return then it will be decided by the Volturi whether she will be turned or killed. The Volturi don't give second chances.

He knew that this was it. The last chance. Either Bella was to be turned on their honeymoon or she and himself would most likely be killed for breaking the law. This was the right thing to do he repeated to himself over and over. I have no choice but to damn her, he thought like a mantra. Even now as Bella laid before him he wasn't sure if he would have the strength to pull away as her blood would touch his lips. If it wasn't for Carlisle he would not have stopped in the ballet studio, he would have drunk her dry and had to live with the consequences. But now, now there was no one else to stop him or pull him away.

In some ironic way, he was drawn into past conversations he had about blood singers with the rest of his family, he had been so sure, so adamant that Bella may have been his blood singer but she was also his mate. He couldn't be so sure now, but it was far too late. They were married now, far too deep to have regrets but maybe he should have thought about this sooner. Maybe he should have just taken her blood in that studio and moved on. But he couldn't

So as gently as he could he bit into the neck of Isabella Swan.

Rosalie Hale

Rosalie Hale had never been more elated in her life. Yes she had Emmett and she would never trade him for anything else in the world but this was something else entirely. They knew her pregnancy would be relatively short compared to humans, especially as their child would be a dhampir, but she didn't think it would be this short. Fortunately, as a vampire, she had very little if any of the negative side effects that most women would experience. However, one thing she didn't realise was that she would be able to eat small amounts of human food as well as the blood to feed her child, and she had come to see why Charlie had missed Lilith's cooking while she had been away. They had basically lived in the Swan's residence with the occasional visit from Jasper during her pregnancy.

She had spent a lot of time with Emmett at the Swan house while Charlie was out during this time as it brought her a sense of calm and relaxation. All four of them could be themselves without the other Cullens about. She loved her family she really did but sometimes she felt slightly disconnected from them.

Carlisle clearly favoured his first turned son, going as far as to change her in hopes that they would get along. Every decision from the past year or so with Bella had been driven by Edward and Carlisle did nothing to stop it. The telepath in question never bothered to understand her either. Labelling her as vain and drawing the stop there with little thought to it. Alice, as nice as she was became far too attached to people due to her abilities, falling in love with people before she even meets them. She became almost as attached to Bella as Edward, not seeing faults in indulging the brunette in their vampiric ways. A lot of their problems had been caused by the pixie-like vampire, just as much as Edward.

Felix and Emmett were more comfortable with each other now, Rose would even dare say good friends. Whenever the girls were trying to just relax and do as little as possible they would often go off and spare in the woods. Emmett still hadn't managed to beat Felix in a fight since their training in the clearing and as much as she wished to root for her husband she didn't think she could say that she thought he would.

Sometimes Rose would think about Lilith having to leave in a few months. She didn't want her to. In the few months, they had known each other they had become close, and she had given her a gift that she could never pay back and for that, she would be grateful for the rest of her immortal life.

Labour hadn't been as nightmare-inducing as he had been told as a young girl. But she believed she could thank most of that to her vampiric nature. She had a healthy baby girl in her arms and she couldn't be happier. As a dhampir, her feature were slightly more developed than most newborns, barely showing signs of Rose's golden hair and Emmetts warm stone grey eyes from when he was human.

It was just the quartet left in the delivery room now for some privacy after the last hectic few hours. Her labour finally being over at the very early hours of the morning. Bella and Edward were due back any day now and Rose wanted to spend as much time uninterrupted without them.  "What are you going to name her?" Lilith prompted sleepily from the chair in the corner, leaning on Felix.

A warm smile pulled at her pink lips "We were thinking Dorothea, Dorothea Grace Cullen"

Thank you for reading~

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