S223(U10): You can't always get what you want...

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Author's note:

Hey, everyone. I'm back and after only eleven days too (lol, what do I think this is, season one?). Anyway, I'm here all the same and have another chapter for you all to digest. Yep, at last we come to Kim and Shego's long-awaited next non-date :)

Thank you all so much for all the votes and comments. The kind words I receive from you guys after each update gives me such a boost and encourage me to keep writing this story.

At this point, I also need to say a special thank you to Celioxa, who helped my completely clueless brain figure out exactly what Kim and Shego are wearing in this chapter. For those of you who have visited her Instagram or Twitter pages since the last update and had a nosy around, you will have already seen the amazing drawings she has done of our lovely ladies in these particular outfits. However, for those of you that have not seen them, I'll provide the direct links below.





Which brings us to the update. From the very start of season two, I've had this chapter in my head and it was titled Can we try it again; I even named it that in the closing authors' notes of my last two updates and made an allusion to it at the end of the last chapter. However, things occasionally change (such as a short Kim and Ann scene resulting in the longest chapter of the story thus far!) and so there has been a last-minute name change to, You can't always get what you want... This is the title and a lyric from a song by The Rolling Stones, which I now feel fits the events better than the previous title.

So, without any further delay, enjoy.


The day had been bright and warm, as opposed to yesterday's overcast drizzle and the sun was well on its way to the horizon, leaving behind a humid night air and clear sky. Kim Possible walked along the sidewalk with an air of trepidation about her, like she expected a villain to attack at any moment. This feeling was not unusual for her, at least not as far as anticipating a supervillain's sudden appearance went. After the events of her high school graduation, such attacks occurred somewhere in the world on a daily basis and whenever she went out, she always expected, no anticipated the beep from her Kimmunicator that would see her jet off into action once more. However, tonight was different and for two very important reasons, 1: for the second time that week, she'd taken the rare decision to leave her Kimmunicator at home and 2: her encounter with a supervillain was not so much inevitable as it was deliberate. Only this time, she had no intention of fighting them... ok, so that was only a half-truth. She loved to fight Shego and knew her rival reciprocated that feeling, hence she already half-expected the evening, should things go well, to end up in the Middleton High playing fields, where they would dance once more.

Memories of her last fight with Shego on her old school grounds filled Kim's head and she relaxed somewhat. There was a comforting security when it came to fighting Shego, or any other villain for that matter, in that she felt more in control of those deadly encounters than she did when encountering people in a social situation. Flashes of techniques being thrown back and forth between herself and her rival slowly began to calm her mind and she found her breathing start to regulate; having not even realised it had been slightly erratic. Before she knew it, she had reached the glass front door that sat beneath the loopy neon lettering that read: Spritzers.

Ok, Kim, you can do this, she breathed on reaching out a slightly shaky hand and gripping the long metal door handle, it's just drinks and a chat, her stomach rumbled; reminding her that she had not eaten since grabbing a snack during her hunt for the stolen vase in Lowerton, and food, definitely food. She opened the door and stepped inside, her eyes immediately scanning the room both for any sign of Shego and for any trouble that might be lurking; she found neither. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out her phone and glanced at the time; 19:57, she was a few minutes early. Putting the device back, she headed through the light crowd of people towards the bar. Unwanted memories of how her last visit had ended filled her mind and she had to swat them away, I won't let things end that way this time. Even if she still doesn't want to be my friend, there is still the chance she might be willing to do this every once in a while. Her mind stopped in its tracks just as she reached the bar and she realised what she had just done. No, this is only drinks, a chat and some food. If I go into this looking for anything else, it's more likely to end in disaster.

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