S211 (U5): Jailbreak, Jailbreak, Jailbreak!

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Author's note:

Hey, everyone, I hope you are all well (I am not atm, lol). So, here it is, at long last, the jailbreak chapter. Again, it is only a single chapter update. I honestly did not plan on doing three single chapter updates in a row, it just sort of happened and I promise that I'll get back to two-plus chapters come next update. I'd like to explain how I decided on what must seem like a completely random number of chapters for each update, however, I suspect you are all anxious to get to the actual chapter, so I'll leave that for another time.

The chapter title this time: Jailbreak, Jailbreak, Jailbreak! is a reference to the ACDC song Jailbreak. And, of course, a reference to Ru-Ru, who started yelling that particular phrase at Kim back in chapter nine.

Thank you all for your support and I hope you all enjoy this long-awaited scene. So, without any further delay, I give you chapter eleven: Jailbreak, Jailbreak, Jailbreak!


Chapter Eleven: Jailbreak, jailbreak, jailbreak!

Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!

Kim Possible had never felt more uneasy or unsure when pulling on her battle suit; ever. Not even the very first time, when Dr Drakken had actually pulled off a serious take over the world plot with his Lil' Diablos. She zipped up the front of the suit, followed by her boots and then strapped the blue gadget belt around her waist.

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. I can't do this. I'm a hero. I put supervillains in jail, not break them out.

Her hand quivered as her fingers refused to leave the belt clasp and her gaze met with that of Ru-Ru. The naked-mole-shark was perched atop her desk, dressed in a black ninja Gi. She'd got quite the surprise when the custom order from HenchCo had arrived that afternoon. When she had quizzed him about it, giving him the whole hands on hips and stern expression routine, it transpired that he had both memorized Shego's credit card details and ordered it the day before she'd gone to visit her rival. Either it had been sheer optimism on his part, or he'd known that, sooner or later, she would cave on the issue of breaking the green-skinned woman out.

"I can't do it, Ru-Ru," she said in anguish, "this goes against everything I'm supposed to stand for."

The naked-mole-shark looked pointedly at her and simply uttered, "Shego!"

Kim let out a long sigh, memories of seeing her rival yesterday filling her mind. All personal feelings and needs aside, the manner in which the green-skinned woman was being treated was unquestionably cruel and inhumane. If I don't do this, if I do nothing and leave her to that fate, I'm condoning GJ's actions. And there is no other option that will work quickly or not cost me something I'm unwilling to pay. She looked at Ru-Ru again. "You're right. If I leave her in there, I'm no better than Betty and that Captain Brooks."

The naked-mole-shark nodded emphatically, "uh-hu, uh-hu, GJ bastards."

She frowned at his use of the expletive but nevertheless nodded in agreement. "Ok, let's do this."

A wide grin that showed off all of his razor-sharp shark teeth formed on Ru-Ru's face and he hopped down from the desk and scuttled up her leg and into the belt pouch of her battle suit. "Charge!" he yelled, before closing the flap over.

Kim could not help but grin at the creature before he disappeared. She then went to her desk and picked up the gadgets she'd selected for the job, hoping that she wouldn't need anything else. The first was a combined ear and eyepiece with a blue lens. It linked in with the battle suit and served as both Kimmunicator and scanner. The second, a combined stealth-camo and heat signature suppression band. While the battle suit had both features as standard and could virtually turn her invisible to both the naked eye, thermal and sonar scanners, it would not be able to do the same for Shego. And given the state her rival had been in yesterday, Kim had a bad feeling that she might have to carry the woman out, which would be a lot easier if the guards couldn't detect her. The only snag was that the device had a short time limit before the power cell burnt out. She'd have roughly five minutes to get Shego out of her cell, across the yard and over both the inner and outer walls before she became visible. The third and final device was not of Wade's construction, rather something she'd had the Tweebs cook up for her when she'd moved back to Middleton; a personal jamming device. Given that she wore her Kimmunicator virtually everywhere and it had a unique electronic signature (she had the only active model), she'd figured that someone other than Wade, who had the right technical know-how, might be able to track her movements. And there were times when she wanted to go under everyone, including Wade's radar.

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