S231(U15): The frog was a princess

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Author's note:

Hello, everyone. Wow... two months since the last update... wow. In some respects, it feels like no time at all, yet in others, it feels like so long ago. And I will not shy away from the fact that I was in a very dark place with my writing; my creativity in general, truth be told. However, unlike the burn-out I experienced in the wake of writing chapter twenty-four of this season, this was something different entirely. For the first time in a long time, I lacked even the slightest bit of motivation to sit down and write. In fact, I could scarcely recall what that felt like, even though I was plagued by it back in my early days. And on the few days that I did try, I produced nothing good. So, I sat and did full playthroughs of two Dark Souls games and suffered through Metroid: Other M. During this time there were days when I genuinely thought about simply giving up on this story; leaving Kim and Shego where I left them in Motorway City and waiting until I had the motivation to write something brand new. However, it seems Kim and Shego are even more stubborn than I am.

About three weeks ago, our hero and villain started playing on my mind again, with thoughts of future scenes that I'd envisioned sneaking up on me when I least expected it. Eventually, they managed to coax me back to the laptop, which may or may not have involved a threat to my sanity, and I picked up where I left off and wrote... and wrote... and wrote. And a few days ago, I did the final edits to the last chapter of season two. Yes, I have now finished the last seven chapters of the season, plus the interlude between seasons and I will be posting an update once a week for the next four weeks (not including this update) until it is completed. By that time, I will hopefully have written the first few chapters of season three, as I do not plan of having another break, given how long I've been inactive.

So, to all of my readers on all of my platforms, thank you so much for your patience in waiting. I genuinely am sorry that it has taken this long for me to post an update to And You And I. I also need to say a special thank you to Celioxa, as she really helped to keep my creative flame alive during these recent dark times and then supported me in getting the season finished. So, thank you Celioxa.

Now, to the first chapter of this update. The title for this chapter: The frog was a princess, is a slight alteration to a line from the Genesis epic Supper's ready, from their Foxtrot album and you will soon see why I picked it.



It was an overcast Friday morning in Middleton and Kim Possible had just sat herself down on the sofa with a bowl of cereal. Her week had been busy thus far and the first three days had seen her catch a technology thief and re-acquire their ill-gotten goods on each one. Alas, on each occasion the perpetrators had evaded capture. However, she'd been doing this job for far too long not to suspect a connection between them, based on the methods being used and so when the fourth one had happened yesterday morning, she'd caught up with the thieves, managed to plant a tracker on their hovercraft and then took a dive, so that they could escape. She'd then followed them in the Sloth and dropped down on the entire ring, only for the bastards to initiate a self-destruct sequence on their hideout. She'd had to scarper and just managed to escape the blast radius before it blew. Unfortunately, the thieves had clearly drilled this eventuality and so managed to escape... again. This had immediately drawn her attention, as small-time crooks and the lesser supervillains never planned for that sort of thing and her instincts had told her someone far more powerful and organised was behind the thefts. She'd had to dig through the wreckage to find something to confirm her theory; a charred laser pistol that she'd been able to match to a supervillain whom both she and Global Justice had thought inactive for several years now. None other than Dr Betty Director's twin brother; Sheldon Director, aka Gemini.

Kim had been straight on the Kimmunicator to Wade the moment she had made the discovery. Alas, like herself and GJ, her tech guru had not heard of any activities involving the villain for several years and had also thought him inactive. She'd convinced him to prioritise searching for any clue to his whereabouts and what he might be up to, while she planned on keeping an eye out for other tech thefts in the country. There had also been a moment where she had pondered calling Betty. Having only directly faced off against Gemini once before, she had little in the way of prior knowledge regarding what the villain could be planning or where he might be hiding. However, her current disposition towards Global Justice and the less than amicable relationship between herself and the director had stayed her hand. No, she'd figure this out her way and only resort to contacting GJ if she absolutely had to. Alas, nothing had cropped up yesterday afternoon, so she'd come home. She'd also been so busy since returning home from Motorway City on Sunday that she'd scarcely had time to think about her kiss with Shego and the guilt she had felt in regards to Lisa.

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