Chapter 26: Running over the same old ground

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Shego cut the Blackbird's engine, kicked down the stand and hopped off. Having ridden at breakneck speed without a helmet, her hair was, put mildly, windswept to the max. Closing the garage door, she made her way into the house and headed straight upstairs to change into some loungewear and run a brush through her wild raven hair. After that, she headed into the living room, her eyes immediately falling on the sofa. Lounged atop a cushion; amidst a sea of cheese balls, was Ru-Ru, his pink belly positively bulging.

"Looks like someone had fun," Shego commented offhandedly, as she fetched a glass from her liquor cabinet.

She laughed lightly when his beady eyes lazily turned to look at her and he mumbled, "cheese," in a tone not dissimilar to that she would associate with a stoner.

Heh, whacked out on cheese balls. If only the rest of us could blow our minds so easily. She gave a passing thought to whether she could use an illicit substance to escape from little Miss Go but quickly rejected it. Her glow had even less of a liking for drugs than it did for alcohol. Damn my stupid superpower for not letting me get high. She set the glass alongside the bottle of whisky Killigan had given her on the table and then sat down with her back against the corner of the sofa.

"So, enjoy your night of freedom?" she asked the naked-mole-shark.

"Uh-hu, uh-hu," Ru-Ru replied, his tongue lolling outside his mouth.

Her gaze travelled to the TV, a replacement for the one she'd obliterated two weeks prior. It displayed a scene depicting two individuals, an elderly man and a blonde-haired woman, sitting at a table; each with a katana. Shego recognised it as the climax to Kill Bill volume two. It instantly put her in mind of her social encounters with Kimmie. Two individuals with a long and complicated history between them, who could sit talking and drinking for as long as they liked, but who would inevitably end up fighting each other.

Shego glanced at Ru-Ru, "I bet Amy never let you sit and watch something this violent."

The naked-mole-shark's eyes were glued to the screen, but nevertheless, he shook his head, "ut-uh."

She laughed, "you really are a bloodthirsty little sod."

Ru-Ru nodded quickly, before saying, "shhh."

Shego shook her head in amusement and busied herself with the task of pouring herself a drink. Swirling the whisky in the glass, she absentmindedly watched as the inevitable fight broke out. At least when Kimmie and I fight it's not to kill. Although, I wonder just how intense it would be if that were the case?

"Well, you know what it's like when she tries to kill you," Miss Go said, her voice effortlessly slipping into Shego's thoughts.

The woman's words brought with them the memory of the night Kimmie had kicked her into that electrical tower. Yeah, really don't fancy going through that again. It really fucking hurt and then those police bastards hit me with that damn serum to suppress my glow before I had a chance to heal myself. I was in pain for days afterwards.

"I'm glad you remember," Miss Go said before her tone switched to one of incomprehension, "so why on earth did you purposefully poke her with a very sharp stick? Do you want her to get that angry at you again?"

She needs to get angry or she'll end up stuck in a very long and drawn-out period of denial. You know how stubborn she is, Shego replied as she sniffed the whisky.

"And how does making her angry at you help?" Miss Go countered.

Because her issues with her sexuality are inseparably tied to me.

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