Chapter 28: It'll be a good day

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For the second morning running, Shego awoke at six am to the sound of Ru-Ru. It seemed that a combination of her own internal body clock and the naked-mole-shark's ridiculously loud snoring was more than an adequate replacement for an alarm clock. She felt oddly calm as she climbed out of bed and sleepily wandered into her wardrobe to pull on some training gear. In fact, by the time she had gone outside to start her run and thus properly woken up, she might even have said her mind felt rather tranquil, serene even. However, that did not stop the thought, damn little Miss Go, from sneaking into her head as she made her way into the woods that surrounded her house. Only the proof was in the pudding. After last nights internalised argument, she felt better, more sure of herself than she had done in over two weeks.

After she had done an hour's circuit over the rough and uneven terrain of the woods, Shego returned to the house, stopped off in the kitchen for a bottle of water and then headed down into the basement to work on her moves. It felt good to be able to fully concentrate on her techniques and not have them skewed by an anger she struggled to control. When she was finished, she had a nice relaxing shower, dressed in her traditional green and black catsuit and then went to wake her new roommate.

"Hey, Ru-Ru," Shego said as she flicked his little pink belly with a finger.

"Mrgh!" the naked-mole-shark exclaimed as he rolled over away from her.

She prodded him again. "Come on, you lazy sod, up you get."

"Rah, rah, rah," Ru-Ru grunted irritably and shifted himself further away from her.

Shego increased the temperature in her finger. "Ok, don't say I didn't try this the nice way," she said and touched his backside with the hot digit.

"YEOW!" Ru-Ru yelled and leapt two feet into the air. He landed back down on the cushion, scrambled to his feet and shook one of his little fists at her as he uttered a string of unintelligible curses.

"Well, if that's how you feel, I guess you'd be better off going back to Amy after all."

Ru-Ru tilted his head, "huh?"

"This isn't some sort of hippie commune I'm running. If you're going to be staying here then there are certain rules you'll be following." Shego looked him straight in his beady little eyes. "So, you'll have to decide whether you prefer my rules or Amy's."

A wide smile formed on the naked-mole-shark's face and Shego didn't need to hear him say, "your rules, your rules," to know that he'd do whatever it took if it meant he didn't have to go back to Amy. However, that only led her to wonder, what could possibly have been that bad about living with Amy that he'll blindly pick my rules?

"I'm glad we understand each other. So, first things first, I eat breakfast at eight-thirty. If you miss it, then you go hungry."

A slightly sour expression formed on the naked-mole-shark's face but he nodded nonetheless.

Shego laughed, "you really are cranky in the morning," and held out her hand for him to climb onto.

Ru-Ru huffed at the comment but hopped onto her hand, then scampered up to her shoulder.

She turned her head to look at him. "I thought I said no ridding on my shoulder?"

He held up two of his tinny claws in the 'little bit' gesture and gave her a sneaky smile, "meh."

Shego rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. I am definitely going soft. She headed downstairs and into the kitchen, where she deposited Ru-Ru on the breakfast bar. "Right, rule two. You either eat what I'm having for breakfast or something I can easily make, like toast or cereal, or you go hungry."

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