Chapter 33: The flames burn higher and higher

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It had been a long trip back to the volcano lair, during which Shego had started teaching Ru-Ru some other card games, along with playing another round of poker. All in the name of delaying the inevitable. On getting back, she'd given Drakken the final piece of the puzzle, then sat down to eat a late dinner. Now back in her room, with the door securely locked and the naked-mole-shark passed out amidst a sea of cheese puffs on the sofa in front of the new TV, she lay butt naked under the covers.

Slowly Shego ran her hands over her midriff and up towards her voluptuous breasts. It had been far too long since she had actually done this and not being at home meant she was limited to doing things the old-fashioned way; with hands and brain only. However, before her fingers even managed to touch the soft skin of her boobs, she heard the unmistakable voice of Miss Go in the back of her head.

"So, you decided to go for it and push Kim close to the edge," the woman said playfully. "Admittedly, I wasn't sure you would actually do it."

Seriously, when I'm about to get myself off? Shego retorted incredulously.

Miss Go laughed, "remember, Pumpkin, it's your brain. Clearly, you want to think about this before playtime."

She sighed, knowing full well that is was indeed her brain and that, as infuriating as it may be, she would have to deal with the issue before being able to concentrate on something fun. Fine, let's get this over with. What the hell do you want to dissect this time?

"Doy, Cupcake, that little stunt you pulled with Kim."

What about it? I pecked her on the cheek to remind her of how she felt when I did the same thing to her back in Spritzers... On mentioning the second night she had spent with Kimmie, Shego couldn't help but think to herself, Spritzers... I can't believe that was almost a month ago. It feels like it was both yesterday and a lifetime ago...

The thought was then interrupted by Miss Go, "so, was that supposed to be the catalyst to send Kim spiralling into fear? If so, it felt rather half-assed, to be honest."

She slowly exhaled, no. Like I said, that was simply something to remind Kimmie of how she felt back in Spritzers... how she felt about me.

"Don't you mean, how you assume she felt," Miss Go interjected.

Fair point, however, you agreed with me afterwards that Kimmie was definitely flirting with me that night. And we both saw how she reacted when I kissed her. I just made the mistake of leaving her alone... Shego felt an uncharacteristic twinge of guilt upon recalling how she had played the situation in Spritzers. Granted, at the time, it seemed exactly the thing to do. Leave Princess to stew for five minutes, allowing her newfound feelings to bubble inside, like a balloon filling with air, until she had been about to burst. Then swoop back in and pop it with one well-placed pin and shower the hero with desire and lust. Unfortunately, for both of them, Kimmie had somehow managed to suppress all her feelings. If only I hadn't left her... I might have been able to fast track her through the process... fragments of memory from her own long and arduous journey to acceptance flashed through her mind ...saved her a lot of torment.

"There's no point in thinking about what you could or should have done," Miss Go said softly. "You need to focus on what you're going to do with the situation as it is."

Yeah, she sighed with a hint of regret, I can't change how things went down that night.

"So, what's the plan, if that wasn't supposed to be the catalyst?"

Well, assuming Nerdlinger doesn't figure out where we are before morning and Kimmie then decides to drop in on us while we're asleep, her minds going to be fixated on that little kiss and the one from Spritzers all night.

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