Chapter 34

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Gemma's POV
Conner turned away from me but I kinda stayed looking at him through the window. How am I going to tell him Chase kissed me? I have to or else it will just make things worse. I turned back to the Luna I was talking to. Her name was Avery.

"So, I feel your power and I have to ask. What is your gift?" I said.

Avery looked shocked for a second before she frowned. "It's kinda complicated. I have a sort of echo location but I only pick up living presences. Like there is a caterpillar on your shoe." She said.

I looked down at my shoe and there was in fact a caterpillar trying to climb it. I shook my leg and it was thrown a few meters away.

"I can also feel bigger presences like humans and elephants and such." She explained. Her power was very useful.

"Do you mind joining me and my team?" I asked.

"Really? I would love to but I have to tell my mate first. He would be angry if I kept things as important as this from him. I love him too much to do that. You understand right?" She said backing away to probably look for her mate.

"Right." I muttered. Well now I feel like shit.

I helped the other Lunas all day and gave Conner space. I would tell him about the kiss tonight and sleep on the couch. I spent time with Jace training after everything was done to get my mind off things. I kicked him in the stomach and he bent forward huffing. We had been at this for hours.

"So what's going on?" He asked straightening up. I tried to deliver a roundhouse kick but he grabbed my foot and pulled, causing me to trip. I groaned and got up.


"Oh really? You always want to train when something is obviously wrong." He said getting into another stance. I went to punch him but he backed up, leaving his chest open and I delivered a jab there. He grabbed my hand and tried twisting it behind my back but I delivered a back kick to his abdomen.

"I fucked up with Conner and now, I don't know how to fix it." I said. Jace moved to punch me and we exchanged blows until he grabbed my arm, throwing me over his shoulder. I quickly got up.

"Well try to fix it." he said. I snarled and sent a kick to his side, he blocked and I turned, dropping and sweeping his feet from under him.

"I can't. I don't know how to." I said waiting for him to get up. We charged at each other, exchanging blows until he managed to get me in a chock hold.

"I didn't say fix it. I said try to." He growled. I threw my head back and hit him in the nose and he let me go with a groan and I stepped on his foot, causing him to let me go completely and I kneeled him in the stomach and he fell.

He panted as he tried to catch his breath on the floor. "Will do. Thanks for the advice Jace. I'll call Caroline for you." I said walking away.

He groaned and I shook my head with a smile. I went to the place we were staying at and took a shower, dressing in sweatpants and a tank top. I went downstairs for food and found Ash in the kitchen, a cup of coffee next to him, typing away on the computer. His dreadlocks were down and they were longer than my hair. Lucky.

"Hey Ash." I said. He nodded but otherwise didn't acknowledge my presence. I made myself a sandwich and sat next to him. I looked at the computer to see what he was doing.

His fingers flew across the keyboard at unnatural speed and weird green lines appeared in the screen, moving so fast I couldn't read a thing.

"What ya doin'?" I asked over a mouthful of bread.

"I hacked into the cameras of the known base and I'm just changing a few things to our favour." He said. I nodded.

There was silence before he suddenly stopped. "I know it's non of my business but Conner is my friend and he's distracted and so are you. If you two didn't fix whatever the fuck is going on you're never going to get your heads in this battle. I know I'm tilting the scale to our side but I can only do so much." He said stealing one of my sandwiches.

I sighed. "I know. I talked to Jace about it too and your both right. I just... I'm not used to this yet. The mate bond."

"None of us are. That's why we just go with what feels right. Take Eve and me for example. When I met her, I didn't really like talking about serious things with her because she always seemed to just want to eat and joke around. It wasn't until she came to me and asked me what was wrong and she couldn't pretend like everything was right anymore that I opened up. These things can take time but you must be willing to make it work like this sandwich." He said biting into it.

"Hey that's mine."

"It's payment for my wisdom Gemma. Suck it up." He said sending me a smirk. I rolled my eyes at him and protected my other food.

"Well now I feel like shit and I have to find Conner. Know where he is?" I asked.

"He should be back in a few."

"Thanks." I said putting my plate in the sink and retreating to my bedroom. I sat on my bed and begin braiding my hair into cornrows. I didn't want it in my face when we were fighting.

I finished and got out my phone and going to Wattpad. I looked through my library at all the books that were there and lost interest so I decided to read something new. I scrolled through my options and decided on a fantasy bwwm book called Violet Witch. Should be interesting enough.

I was on the third chapter, completely consumed in the story when the bedroom door opened. Conner stepped in and I put my phone beside me. I decided to get it all out.

"I didn't know how to tell you about the pack so I thought that it would be best to keep it to myself. I knew I would tell you but then, during preparations for a battle didn't seem like a good idea. Then after the meeting, Chase wanted to talk and I let him because I'm just a stupid stupid person and then he kissed me. I rejected him of course and threatened to kill him if he touched me again but Eve and Caroline had seen and heard so they forced me to tell you but I wasn't ready and I am so sorry I made you feel like shit. If it makes you feel any better, I feel awful and I don't deserve you at all. You've only been the perfect mate and I'm ashamed of everything I've done."


More silence.

Even more silence.

"Say something Conner. Please." I whispered putting my head in my hands. What if he rejected me? Oh goddess please no.


Infinite silence.

Endless silence.

A lump formed in my throat and I was ready to bawl like a baby and beg for him to take me back. I would seriously do anything at this point.

"You know, I don't really like your obsession with Wattpad."

I laugh-cried and looked up. Conner was giving me a small smile. I jumped up and kissed him. I pulled back and hugged him close.

"We should never ever fight again." I said.

"Agreed. But I'm still going to hurt that no good alpha for touching you. It's only fair."

I nodded. "When this is all over, you can throw him off a cliff for all I care. I'm just happy we sorted this out."

"I'm still disappointed in you so don't take this too far."

"Fair enough. I'm disappointed in me too." I said.

With that kinda out of the way, all we needed was to get the Hunters out of the picture. Shouldn't be too difficult.



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