Chapter 25

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"Conner, that hurts." I said spitting out blood and ruining the mood.

He pulled back and inspected me.

"Your alive. Your here and your hair... it's blue?" He said.

I laughed softly. "I died, yes but I came back. I'm gifted. See." I said.

I pulled some water of of the lake and shaped it into a wolf. I made it run before freezing it and melting it then heating it up until it was vapour.

Conner looked at me. "Your alive... and hurt. I hurt you didn't I?" He asked broken.

I didn't answer.

"I did didn't I? Gemma I'm so sorry. I did this I-" I cut him off with a kiss.

It was sweet and soft.

"I don't care. You came back to me. That's all that matters." I said pulling back.

I realised I left some blood on his lips. I cringed.

"You've got blood. I'm sorry." I said trying to wipe it away with my good hand.

Conner chuckled and shook his head. "It's fine Gemma. I'm just glad your alive." He said giving me a kiss on the head.

The others came and joined us and we shared stories as we waited for me to heal enough.

I slapped Conner on the shoulder when I heard he called the girls bitches and threatened Caroline. The boys had a wrestling match just to release the anger they had with Conner.

I'm sure they are all cool now.

"We should head back." I told everyone.

We had left the pack alone. Conner insisted on carrying me and I didn't complain as we made our way to the pack house.

"Gemma?" I heard someone call.

It was Jenny. She looked surprised to see me.

"What happened to you? I thought you died?" She said.

"No. I didn't." I said.

"But the bond in the pack..." She asked confused. "What happened?" She asked slightly angry.

"We were by the lake you know, fighting and I got badly injured and I drowned in the lake and Conner managed to get me out but I had died. They performed CPR on me and Eve shocked me back to life." I said.

I didn't know why I lied but how Jenny was reacting was putting me off a little.

"Right guys. That's what happened." I said to the others.

Play along. I mind linked them.

And so they did.

Why? Conner mind linked me.

We were all sharing a link now.

I don't know. Something about Jenny's reaction threw me off. I said.

Me too. Caroline agreed.

Yeah. She's sketchier than a pie. Eve commented.

How is a pie sketchy? Jace asked.

You never know what's inside it until you open it up. Eve answered.

Why are we talking about pie anyway? Ash asked.

I don't know and I don't care. Stop mind linking. Jenny is looking at us weird. I said.

"You know what, I'm tired. I'm going to hit the hay. Let's go Conner." I said.

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