Chapter 19

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It's been a week. Conner hasn't come looking for me. I stayed at the cliff for a day before I left his territory. I found a camp of rogues that I've been living with.

They are surprisingly nice giving me food and water yet its winter and food is scarce. I don't know what I'm going to do.

Everything I own in back in Conner's pack and I'm sure as hell not going back there.

I'll have to leave this country. Maybe go to Australia. That is until I can get to a bank and withdraw money from my account.

I wonder why Conner would let me go? I knew I wasn't good enough for him. I was abused and mute. Who would want me anyway? For the first time ever, I was considering suicide.

I mean there is a nothing left for me in this world. It wouldn't be so bad.

Conner's POV

The pack meeting was done. I had to go back to the house to check on Gemma. I gathered all my stuff and walked out of the meeting room.

I went to our room in the pack house but she wasn't there. I checked the whole house but I didn't see her. When I went to my office, I was surprised to find most of the paperwork I had, done.

I checked the handwriting. It was Gemma. She did this for me? I smiled. But that smile turned into a frown when I realized she wasn't here.

I started panicking. I tracked her scent to the room. She slept in the bed a few hours ago. There was also another smell. It was so faint you wouldn't even notice it if you didn't focus.

It was floral. Witch? What would Gemma need a witch for? I followed her scent to the forest where it suddenly disappeared. I sniffed and sniffed for hours but I just couldn't get her scent.

But I got something else. Something floral. Witch.

Conner! Where are you? I got a mind link from Jace.

Gemmma's missing. I can't find her. But there is a scent of witch. Most likely a witch performing the dark arts. Find her. I commanded.

Axle was fighting for control but I knew I needed a clear mind right now. I run back to the pack house and started giving orders to the trackers to follow Gemma's scent. I had to find her.

Two days. It's been two long days since I held my mate in my arms. Since I heard her voice. I was starting to lose my shit. I couldn't find her. The only lead we have is the witch.

We haven't found her. If -

Sir. I found the witch. She is being taken to the dungeons as we speak. Natasha mind linked me.

I'll be right there. I marched to the dungeons. This witch had something to do with Gemma's disappearance and I was getting every bit of information from her.

Walking into the dungeons, I passed by all the cells with wolves who were pleading for mercy and apologizing. I payed them no mind as I went to the torture room.

It had lots of weapons. I saw a figure sitting in the middle of the room. The witch. She had lots of piercings, purple highlights in her hair and looked like a teenager.

"Where is she?" I asked.

She laughed. "Like I'd ever tell you." she said

I smiled at her. "Oh. Don't worry. You will."

Let the torture begin.

I used everything on her. Witches were harmed by an iron and wolfsbane solution. A few shots of it in her system got her talking.

"Okay. I was sent. By some hunter. He told me to search for her. I had to find her. He has my boyfriend. When I did I felt bad for her. That's why I granted her one wish using my powers. Then I made it look like you had a betrothed and she left. Please. No more. That's all. Please." she cried.

I nodded at the wolves beside her. They dragged her out of the dungeons. I was so angry I couldn't hold back the shift that wanted to take my body.

My wolf used to be an ash brown colour until I got my shadow powers and it turned black. Like the shadows.

I run into the woods and hunted down a deer. Tearing it's small body to pieces was making me feel better. I slipped into the shadows.

No one could get me here. I could shadow travel to different areas. But for now I just welcomed the darkness. The emptiness. I knew I had to get up and find Gemma.

Find her! I mind linked my warriors. I wanted my mate back and nothing was going to get in my way.

Shadow traveling back to my room in the pack house, I shifted back and got a map. I opened a link to all my warrior wolves and we searched.

Where are you Gemma?

For the past few days we've searched every nick and cranny of my land. She was nowhere to be found. One week. That's how long she's been gone.

I miss her so much. I can't be here without her. I love her. I'm stupidly, deeply and foolishly in love with her.

I will tell her the next time I see her if I can. Because for all I know she could be in Russia. Far far away from me.

I was tired. I've been here in my office for days. I shifted and shadow traveled to the dark forest. Then I run.

I don't care where I run or how long I did but I needed something to do. Something to get my mind off Gemma. I never stopped running.

I've been running for hours. My muscles hurt and my body is about to drop. I can't keep this up much longer.

I stop. Looking around, I'm not in my territory anymore. I'm in rogue lands. I took a deep breath in.

Then her scent hit me like a truck. It was everywhere here. She was here. Gemma. My mate.

The scent was days and hours old. She was here. I followed her scent. It was getting stronger. I'm coming Gemma.


Well I guess that explains a lot, right?

But who sent the witch?

And is she going to report back?

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