Chapter 11

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Gemma's POV
It has been two months since Conner and I had started dating. Being with him was magical. He was so funny and sweet. I loved him. Of course I didn't tell him that but I did.

Even though Winter was helping to speak for me, I couldn't help but feel jealous every time they talked and laughed with each other. I was missing out and it was because I couldn't just open my mouth.

I did it once before to reject Chase but... I can't do it now. Trust me I tried. Every time I opened my mouth to speak I would feel pain. Because every time I did at my old pack I would be beaten.

I sighed. Today was a slow day at the diner. No people means no need to cook which means boredom. That's why I'm arranging the straws. The door opened and I was hit with the smell of my mate. I looked over to him and smiled.

I went to hug him and have him a kiss on the cheek. He and I hadn't kissed on the lips yet. It's because of me. The opportunity comes and I just freeze. He says it's okay but I know it's not.

"Hey babe. How are you?" He asked.

I have him two thumbs up. He smiled and then it dropped. I frowned. He looked worried. Troubled even. I cocked my head to the side as if to ask 'what is it?'. He cleared his throat.

"Iwaswonderingifyouwouldliketolivewithme." He said in a rush.

I didn't catch what he said so I motioned with my hand for him to talk slower.

"I was wondering if you would like to live with me." He said and I froze.

He wanted me to move in with him? That was a big step. Like huge. But I loved him and was ready. I think. I smiled nervously and nodded. He sighed with relief a huge smile on his face.

"Okay I will pick you up when your shift is over and.... I'll send some people to get your stuff from your apartment. Bye babe." He said disappearing out the door in a hurry.

I shook my head with a smile on my face. He was going to be the death of me one day.

It was the end of my shift. Conner was coming to pick me up. I was nervous. What if the pack didn't like me? Or hated me because I was mute. I sighed. No point in worrying if I was gonna find out soon.

I saw the lights of Conner's bike as he parked. I got out, locking up and joining him. He got off the bike to hug me. Dipping his face in my neck and inhaling my scent. I pulled back looking at him.

His dark eyes that bore into my soul and made my days worthwhile. I loved him. I knew it but I don't think he did. Then I shocked is both smashing my lips into his.

He was still for a second before responding, melting into the kiss. I kissed him pouring the love I couldn't say into it. I kissed him like he was the oxygen I needed to stay alive. I kissed him like he was the line holding me to this earth. Because he was.

He was the reason I got up every morning to live a life that had been so cruel to me I thought I needed to die. He was the reason I healed all my scars. To look better. He was the reason I started to trust more.

I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance then our tongues battled. I won. Not common but... I'm a proud dominant she-wolf. Smiling I continued kissing him. Sparks flew everywhere. The diner could blow up right now and I wouldn't give a fuck because I was finally kissing my mate.

We broke apart for air. Staring at each other our foreheads touching. Conner tucked a stray hair behind my ear and I leaned onto his arm. This was all I needed. My mate and I together.

"We should go." He said.

I nodded pecking his bruised lips. We drove into the forest coming at a stop at a house. It looked nice and modern.

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