Chapter 16

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I lay in bed wondering what to do now. It's midnight. Conner is soundly asleep beside me. I looked over at me and I knew I couldn't keep this up forever.

I needed to be better. To heal. For Conner, for the pack. But most especially for me.

I got up and kissed Conner on the head. Letting my lips linger for a moment. I had to tell him everything but I needed time to myself first.

I left our room and quickly but quietly walked out of the pack house. It was raining. I smiled up at the sky. I needed something to do. I walked into the woods and sat down. I listened to nature as it went on with its day.

Like nothing was so wrong in the world. I smiled. This is what I needed. I thought of Conner. I loved him so much. I didn't deserve him.

Tears formed in my eyes and I cried. I cried for my mistreatment. I cried for my misfortune. I cried for my innocence. I couldn't do this anymore.

Hold on to my anger. My grief. My pain. I let it go. I surrendered to my fears. I felt like a weight was lifted off my chest. I could finally breathe.

I knew I would never fully move on from this but I was better.

'Winter. I love you. Thank you so much for everything you did for me.' I mind linked her.

'Your welcome Gemma.' She said dancing around in my mind. I smiled. I always knew she had my back.

'How about a run?' I asked.

'Yes! Yes!' She said. I got up smiling and run.

My bare feet splashing rain water around me. My hair whipping in the wind. "Woooooo!" I screamed.

I started laughing. This was what I needed. I saw a log up ahead. I narrowed my eyes at it. When I reached the log, I jumped and shifted mid air. My white paws landed on the ground with a wet splash.

I wolfy grinned and took off in the woods. My coat was getting mud on it but I didn't care. All I could focus on was in he rain hitting my coat, the wet ground beneath my paws and the happiness in my heart.

I reached a cliff. Standing in the edge proud and strong. My life was like this. Me standing on the edge waiting for my saviour. But who needs one. I have myself don't I?

I run for a few minutes before I shifted back into a plain white dress and walked in the rain back to the pack house.

No one was in sight as I walked back to my room. I quietly opened the door to my room.

"Gemma?" I turned at the sound of my name. My eyes landing on Conner.

I have him a smile. He looked confused. I walked over to the bed and laid down pulling him with me. I laid my head on his chest and breathed in his scent.

"Gemma?" He asked again running his hands through my hair.

"Hi Conner." I whispered. I felt him shiver and smiled.

"Hi." He said keeping quiet. He was giving me time to talk.

"I want to tell you something." I whispered hesitantly.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me. I'll be here whenever your ready." He whispered.

I nodded and took a deep breath. "I want to tell you." I said. He kept quiet.

I sighed. "It all started when I was three years old. My pack was attacked. My mom helped me climb a tree and told me to wait till someone from the pack came for me. She left me there. I never saw her again after that. I'm pretty sure she's dead. The pack trackers found me. They said we were joining Mood Dust pack which was closest to us. Or so I thought. I spent the first seven years in a dungeon being tortured by a man with one eye mostly. There were others but they didn't do as much. All asking me who was the pure white wolf." I took a deep breath tears forming in my eyes.

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