Chapter Five

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I am dreaming.

I know I am, I'm sure of it.

Because I'm dying; slowly, painfully, while looking at his beautiful blue eyes that never failed to scare me yet I'd always look because of the beauty in them. How can such a pair of beautiful eyes belong to a cold hearted monster that always held hate? It was such a contrast; his eyes and personality. And he was slowly killing as I looked at his eyes.

All I remember is his eyed when I wake up shaking and full of sweat. It's dark and I look at the time: 3 a.m. I can't go back to sleep.

Just hours ago he was back. Reminding me about the things that he's done to me, the things he hasn't done to me, the things he's going to do to me and it's even harder to sleep now. I can't even close my eyes without jolting back up and staying wide awake.

He's going to hurt me. I can't do anything about it. Nobody knows. And I don't know what to do about any of this.

All the thoughts and questions going through my head tire me out and I manage to fall asleep and this time it wasn't a nightmare. This time it was pitch black. And even though I'm scared of the dark, of the shadows that hide and can jump out to get me at any time I was happy. Because I wasn't thinking about Adam or Eric or about who's going to save me and how can I save myself? And I didn't think about how hungry I am and how weak I'm getting. And the guilt of breaking Tifanny's promise and that she has no idea about what's going on with me. Not a clue. And I don't want her to know. I don't want anybody else in pain. Not my mom. Not my best friend. Only those who have hurt me; Adam Hurt will pay. And so will Eric Nelson.

The same morning I woke up by my alarm blasting Katy Perry's song, Wide Awake. Funny that I barely slept because I was wide awake.

I did my usual routine; shower, brush teeth, fix my messy morning hair, throw on a random outfit that is usually jeans and a t shirt with shoes, and I head down stairs for 'breakfast'. My mom cooks me breakfast every morning and leaves for work. She thinks I eat this breakfast but I really wrap it up in tin foil and give it to Tifanny saying, "Mom cooked some extra again." And she thanks me and I smile and say, "No problem. I like feeding you." Everyone is happy; mom thinks I'm eating and Tifanny gets breakfast every morning and I stay thin like Eric likes it.

At school everyone is gossiping about a new kid but I don't listen for any details about him or her I just make my way to my locker and grab all the books I need and get to class. I don't like being late.

In class everyone is excited to see the new kid because apparently he is 'hot' and 'gorgeous' and about every girl in school wants to date him and guys are ready to see if he's cool enough to hang with the 'cool crowd' and to see if he's any competition. Me: I don't really care. Tifanny is my best friend, Eric is my boyfriend and I do great in school, my mom loves me so I don't need anything else. Except for maybe something to eat. I don't feel so good.

Everyone is already in class except for the teacher who always runs late and the new kid. No one pays attention to me as I get up to leave the class. I'm a nobody and Tifanny isn't hear. I walk down the empty hallway with the wall to support me. I'm getting kind of dizzy and I need the support.

I almost faint and face palm onto the floor but someone catches me with a hand onto my waist. He looks at me and I see that I've never seen that face before. That beautiful face that's staring back at me with concern and worry. Worried for me.

"Are you OK? You look kind of pale." His voice is deep and sounds sweet and gentle. I bet if he sang girls would faint, but not because they're starving to death of course. His voice is just great. Angelic. Can even be a great singer maybe.

"I'm Ok." I nod. "Just skipped breakfast that's all. Don't need to worry about me, really. I'm fine."

I try to get up again but sway a little so he grabs onto my thin arm and I try not to wince at his touch. Eric would hate to see any male touching me.

"I can share my breakfast burrito if you want."

He's reaching into his taco bell bag before I have the chance to say, "No thank you-I'm fine, really." But the burrito is already making my mouth water and stomach growl and it's not a good thing. No. Too many calories. Too much weight I still have to loose. Eric will see I've gained instead of lost some. But I don't listen to the voice in my head. Instead I shove a breakfast burrito up its ass and I take a huge bite out of my- I mean his burrito. And I can't stop myself from eating. Its all in my mouth and I'm licking my lips when I finish chewing and then I'm embarrassed when I remember that he was looking at me the whole time. And I didn't even share. I just ate it all like a pig.

"You looked like you haven't eaten for days. Like a starving child from Africa." He jokes and my whole face is red because it's true but he doesn't know that. Nobody knows that but Eric. What he said was just a joke but he has no idea how true it is.

"My name is Chase by the way. Nice to meet you." He sticks out his hand and I shake it. "Diane Coleman."

"Sounds famous." I smile and he smiles because I'm smiling and I'm not dizzy anymore so we stand up and start walking down the hallway.

"What class do you have now?"

"History? French? I'm not sure."

"Just hand me your schedule." When I look over it I see that he has almost the same schedule as me. Except that he has gym last period and I have art. And he takes French 3rd period and I take Spanish.

"I can help you around if you'd like. Since you're new and everything."

"That'd be great."

"And I could give you a tour if you haven't gotten one already."

"Maybe we can have lunch too?" I'm shocked that he asks me but I shrug like it's no big deal.

"Maybe. But you might get popular by then so you'll probably eat at the popular table."

"Why do you think that?"

"With your looks it's definitely a possibility. And I'm a nobody. You'll leave me eventually." I look down at the floor and we stop by the class room door.

"In that case I'll make sure to never leave you. I'll be stuck to you like super glue. And you'll want to get rid of me. Not that I want you to." I smile and I blush and I open the door to the classroom and immediately all conversations stop.

"Good luck," I whisper. "You got the spotlight." And I walk back to my seat with a small smile on my face as everyone just stares at the soon to be most popular guy in school.

"Would you like to tell everyone your name?" The teacher asks once he's informed that he's new to the school.

"Hi everyone," he waves to the class. "My name is Chase Matthew."

Chase Matthew, I have a feeling that you're gonna change some things.

New character. Excited or what? And happy Valentine's day. Don't worry all you lonely people out there you've got me to comfort you with my story Cause guess what? I'm updating twice!

I Don't Eat CupCakes (wattys2015)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang