Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Today is our last night in Spain and I'm really going to miss it. Since its probably the last time I'll ever be in Spain Chase wanted to do something special. He, of course, didn't tell me what it was because it was a surprise.

I had no idea what it could possibly be since this is the first time ever being in Spain or any other country. And there was such a big variety of choices to do in this foreign country.

I wore the only fancy dress I packed for my trip to Spain. It was midnight blue. The dress was very simple and plain. It was just above the knees and hugged my curves. It was tight at the waist but flared out as a skirt. As for the top it was enough to show a little cleavage and had spaghetti straps. I wore black eye shadow, mascara and lipstick. As for shoes I wore black wedges. Chase said I looked beautiful. And that's what I've always wanted to hear from someone. Eric only ever called me hot and at parties I didn't want to attend guys flirted with me because I looked sexy but no guy ever called me beautiful. And now Chase-the most amazing guy I will ever meet-called me beautiful.

We took a taxi to some place I do not know. But after we stepped out the car I was glad I chose to wear a dress and not some jeans because Chase is taking we out on a date to a restaurant. A fancy one at that.

When we walk inside I see velvet walls and a carpeted floor. The tables have cloths over them with a single candle lit and some have flowers. The room is dimly lit to give a romantic feel to it and there are chandeliers on the ceiling. Everyone is quietly chatting and the majority of the people in this restaurant are couples.

A girl with black hair and bright hazel eyes leads us to a table where she hands us a menu. I'm surprised she didn't start to flirt with Chase.

I look over the menu and try to find something appealing that I never tried before. I settled with paella. Gazpacho is the name of the dish that Chase chose. We chatted on light topics and soon our waitress came. We gave her our order and she asked for drinks. I said water and Chase did too.

It was only a few minutes when our waitress came back with our meal. I was surprised to see squid in mine. I only ate the yellow rice, with tomatoes, onions and peas and chicken drumsticks but all the seafood; clams, squid and shellfish I kept on the side of my plate. I looked at Chase's bowl. It was cold tomato soup that includes tomatoes, onions, garlic, bell peppers, oil and vinegar. I don't know which dish was best. All I know is that these Spanish dishes have a lot of flavor.

When we finished our meal we talked for a while. We talked about school and how spring vacation was coming up. We talked about family and friends. We talked about everything as music played in the background.

It seemed like we can never run out of anything to say. At one point Chase was holding my hand over the table and it sent a warm current over my body and my hand starte to tingle. Chase makes me feel this way when I'm around him. All warmed up inside.

Chase takes my hand over the table with his other hand and looks at me nervously. I can't believe Chase has done all this for me. A dinner in Spain. This is amazing. I finally know what I want now. I want him. I want Chase.

"Chase I have something to ask you-" I said the same time Chase said, "Can I ask you something?"

We both paused and spoke again. "No you go ahead." We said at the same time. "No you go. Fine I'll go first."

"Chase will you be my boyfriend?"
"Diane will you be my girlfriend?" We asked at the same time. We look at each other for a split second before bursting into laughter. I never thought of it going this way. After the laughter subsided and we calmed down Chase looked at me seriously. I want to look away but at the same time I didn't because I get so lost staring at his eyes. I can't look away.

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