Chapter Thirty-Two

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The cops come in and my mom offers them a cup of coffee which they gladly accept. After the coffee is made and they have a seat at the kit hen counter they question us. This situation reminds me a little of crime shows I watch like Law & Order: SVU.

"So where were you today?" The cop asks; addressing me. He has an amazing jaw line and his dark brown hair that looks almost black is smoothed back with hair gel. He looks a little intimidating but approachable.

"I was in New York all day with my friends as a birthday gift. I came back home at around 9:10 or maybe even a little later than that."

"What about you Ms. Coleman?"

"I was working. I had a late shift at a diner. I work there Thursdays and Fridays. The 1980's Diner it's called."

"Does anyone have access to your home? There were no windows open or broken so the person used the front door or the back door?"

"No. No one else."

This is the time to bring up Adam. I can tell them who I think it is. I rubbed my arm and tapped my foot on the floor anxiously. I have to tell them. Adam can't get away with this.

"Do you know who it is?" the second officer asks me. He looks older and his light green eyes survey me. He knows I'm hiding something. Wow great observation skills.

"I think I might know who it is," I offer.

The two of them share a look then stare at me including my mom. They all look at me expectantly, my mom curiously.

"It's Adam. Adam Hurt."

"We'll check him out. But we need to check this place for fingerprints. You can be wrong."

"OK. Thank you."

"We'll get our men over, do you mind showing us upstairs? Check if he was up there too?"

"He was up there. In my room. He wrote something." The imagine of my mirror flashes in my mind. "This isn't the end. I'll be back for you," I quote for them.

The cops share another glance which starts to worry me. I feel like they know something that I don't. Like if they've heard this stuff before. Maybe Adam has more than one victim. I'm not the only one.

The cops come up to my room and check the house. The others came like they said and checked the house for fingerprints and the doors to see how he came in. They took lots of pictures too and my mom offered them all drinks and snacks but they just got to work. After that they all left.

The officer with grey eyes turns around before leaving. He looks at me in the eyes which made me uncomfortable. He was way taller than me and much more intimidating than the other officer since he's older.

"If he comes back give us a call. We'll have cops checking the house. But for now only leave the house when necessary. School. Work. Understand?"

I nod my head and I'm guessing so does my mom who's standing behind me. "Goodnight, officer."

"Good night, Colemans."

He leaves and I rub my eyes. I'm so tired. A yawn escapes my lips and then my mother's.

"Go to bed honey, it's quite late."

"Can I room with you tonight?"

"Ok course." She kisses my forehead and we both head up to her room.

Under the covers I don't feel safe. But sleep soon consumes me and I escape from reality and Adam leaves. But only for a few hours.

The next day; a Saturday, I wake up to the light of the Sun and I'm smiling. Then the events of last night come back to me and I frown a little.

Mom isn't in bed and she's not in the shower so she must be downstairs. I hope making breakfast because I'm hungry.

I walk downstairs at a snail's pace and the smell of eggs reaches my nose. My stomach grows.

In the kitchen my mom is cooking breakfast and the same officers from last night are sitting at the island. If this isn't embarrassing enough then I don't know what is. My hair is an absolute mess.

They sip their coffee and their eyes trail onto me in last night's cloths all wrinkled and with messy hair. Their uniforms clean and non wrinkled makes me blush. This is really, really embarrassing.

"Uh... good morning." Both officers give me a polite head nod and mom says, "Good morning sweetie come have some breakfast."

I take a seat across from them and eat my eggs patiently even though I so badly want to gobble them up at lightening speed. When I finish my breakfast and take my last gulp of Orange juice officer 1 named Joe starts to speak as officer 2; Blake continues sipping his second cup of coffee.

"We have good news." I nod eagerly as my mom clutches onto my hand.

"The good news is that we found Adam's finger prints."

I smile.

"But there's bad news too," Blake announces. "He's nowhere to be found. I'm not to share this with you but I don't want to get your hopes up; Adam is off the grid. He's 18 so he doesn't live with his parents. We met with them and they have no idea where he is and he doesn't have a job. It doesn't look like he lives anywhere. It sounds crazy, but it's like he disappeared."

"Then how will you find him?" Mom asks.

"We have a search team looking for him. We're looking at places he used to hang out often and we're keeping his parents' house in watch. We can't put out his pictures 'cause we'll get calls from people who think they saw him or just want a reward so please don't go doing that on your own. If he shows up just give us a call. And you'll have cops watching your house 24/7. Just stay safe."

"OK. Thank you so much officers."

They give us a nod and when they're done with their coffee I put it in the sink.

I have to wait. Days. Weeks. Even months until Adam shows up. He's completely disappeared but can pop up anywhere just to get me. Great. Just great.

I Don't Eat CupCakes (wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now