Chapter Ten

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Dedicated toCarolina16264 she's another one of my supporters and she's an author too!

I never thought about it but when Chase invited Tifanny and I to Mathews birthday party I realized that his name is Mathew Mathew. Weird-but cool. Definitely unique so no one will ever forget his name. I mean, how many double named people do you see out there? Mathew Mathew has got to be the first one for me. Now all I want to know is why Chase's parents would name their youngest son Mathew Mathew. So here I am, all dressed up with Tifanny to go to Mathew's birthday party and officially meet Chase's parents.

At the party I learned that Mathew is turning 7 years old. And he can't seem to get enough of the attention he's getting from his friends and family. Adorable if you ask me. I can't get enough of him.

"Happy birthday Mathew." I ruffle his hair and he smiled up at me. "I've got you a present. Wanna see what it is?" He nods his head eagerly and I hand him his wrapped up gift-it's Spiderman pajamas and Spiderman action figure set. Chase had told me how Mathew was obsessed with Spiderman and I had seen his Spiderman themed room.

"Thank you so much, Diane." I give him a hug. "No problem. Anything for my favorite kid in the whole world." After our hug Mathew goes back to his friends to show off his new toy that I got him and I head over to Chase where all the older kids are which are Chase's and Mathew's cousins. Chase introduced me to them all and they seem like cool people.

"Did he like his present?" Chase asks once he sees me.

"Yup. I think I'm his number one right now." He smile as I look at Mathew hang out with his friends.

"Careful. Do anything more for him and he'll develop a crush on you." Thinking about a seven year old develop a crush on me makes me smile. Even though he is like ten years younger it's sweet that someone his age would like me. Especial someone as adorable as Mathew.

"Don't get jealous of your little brother, Chase." He pouted.

"I am not jealous of my seven year old brother." I laughed at how funny he looked. Jealous or not it was funny messing with him. Before I could comment on how he looked everyone started singing happy birthday. Soon Chase and I joined in on the singing and we were all surrounding Mathew and his chocolate cake.

"Happy birthday to you!" Everyone cheered when the song ended and I smothered chocolate frosting all over Mathew's face because no one else had done it. And hey, what seven year old boy doesn't like to get all messy?

After the singing Chase's mom took pictures and cake was being handed out. And for this one time the voice inside my head shut up because I wasn't caring about my weight anymore. I was finally hanging out with people who cared for me and I didn't care about Eric as much as I did before even if he still scares me and can hurt me any time. But right now is all I'm caring about. And right now I'm happy and carefree as I spend time with Chase and Tifanny at Mathew's birthday party.


"I love it that at this age the kids don't care about the future. They just have fun. Everything in the world has no bad meaning to them. I'd do anything to feel like that." Chase looked at me thoughtfully.

"I think you have given me that Chase." It is now near the end of Mathew's party. Everyone finished up the cake and all the kids got picked up. Now it's just me and Chase in his backyard. Tifanny excused herself to get a drink a while ago. She's still trying to set us up.

"What has you wanting to go back to a peaceful time?" He asks me curiously. But he looks like he knows that the secret I'm keeping is something big and that I won't give too much away. But he doesn't know how big the secret is. Should I tell him at least some of it? If not about Eric then about Adam?

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