What You Are Inside

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(The moment is finally here haHA! I hope yall brought your popcorn and drinks cuz you gonna need them ùwú)

(Scarlemagne's POV)

I sprayed my pheromone bottle directly in (Y/n)'s face. I had to look away as I did though, I was already breaking my promise I had made. But she gave me no choice. I thought she would've stuck by my side after everything I did for her.

I suppose not.

With a sad expression on my face I stare at my now mind controlled (Y/n) who only smiled at me without no words coming from her voice as her big beautiful (e/c) kept staring back.

I hold her hands as I spoke in a clear manner "(Y/n)...my dear, sweet (Y/n). I know you must be furious at me, but I didn't want to risk losing you." Hearing no response from her I took in a deep breath and continued.

"I'd like for you to go help set up the coronation. I want you to get every mute seated in their assigned areas I have written down right here." I took out a map of where I wanted everyone to be and handed it to her.

She gladly took it without hesitation. "Anything for you, love. Will that be all?" I hummed in thought for a moment before answering. "That should be it. Oh, but if you run into Kipo...try to avoid her if possible. If it comes down to it just say that everything is fine and walk away."

She nodded at my order and made her way out as I watched her walk away. I call out to her "Don't forget once you're done I'll have Song come pick you up for our grand entrance!"

She turned her head back to me with a wave "Yes, Scarlemagne my love. I will not forget. I am incapable of forgetting." I sighed at myself as I think about how to make my entrance first.

I guess it's back to my piano..

I think back to Kipo.

I wonder if she can help inspire me..?

I sent Gerard to get her back and order that Lio should stay on the balcony and wait for my arrival. Soon after, Kipo arrived and sat next to me as I loosened my fingers.

"What do you think about this for our grand entrance?" I started playing a more dramatic tune and increased my pace only to notice it didn't sound quite like how I wanted it to be.

I slammed on the keys in frustration as I let out a yell. I wanted this to be perfect and I couldn't afford to waste my time messing around. I groaned as I placed a hand on my forehead "No. Not regal enough."

I then hear Kipo next to hum as she sat down, or at least tried to seeing how her dress was a bit too........anyway she began speaking to me with her comforting smile. "Maybe something more like this?"

She touched the keys and started playing a slow-tempo tune that seemed to coalesce with me. My smile seemed to return to me as I watch her hands at work. "Oh...I like that. But it needs a little tremolo."

Soon enough we both played together, finally found what I've been trying to produce. My grin grew wider as we were about to reach the end to our song and laughed when we did. It was a good moment we shared and almost made me forget all my troubles I had.

Both of us sighed taking a breath from it all as Kipo spoke up "Where's (Y/n)? Isn't she normally with you?" I look to the side as my eyes seemed to soften. "She wanted to help with the coronation preparations, so she'll be a bit busy until then."

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