Everything is CRABS

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(Kipo's POV)

After we stopped Scarlemagne's reign of terror, we had a new task.

Stop Dr. Emilia.

Unfortunately, we had to find her first. And that wasn't so easy. We looked everywhere...for months. Somehow, she vanished with a thousand humans. We needed help to broaden our search.

Luckily, we had our best team on the job. Puck and his TheaOtters went all over Las Vistas telling mutes of Dr. Emilia's evil plan.

(After a long day of searching..)

Me, my Mom and (Y/n) who wanted to come along, made it back to Timbercat Village just as it was getting dark out.

I turned back into my human form and hopped on my Mom's shoulder alongside (Y/n). "Maybe we'll find Emilia tomorrow." I said to them with hope in my expression. "Yeah! I'm sure she's out there somewhere." (Y/n) cheered as my Mom held her palm out to us.

We both hopped on as she lowered us to the ground and kneeled her head down at us. We hugged each side of her face. "Sweet dreams, Mom. We'll see you in the morning." "Night, Song."

We walked towards the entrance to Timbercat Village and were greeted by the cats themselves as they stopped their axes as Molly makes an announcement.

"Axes up, Timbercats! The Mega Jaguar is back from yonder." Me and (Y/n) both ducked down to avoid the cats' axes as I chuckled nervously thanking them. (Y/n) nudged my elbow "You think you'll get used to this?" She asked with a cheeky grin.

"I don't think I'll EVER get used to this." I laughed as we continued to walk until we met up with the rest of the gang. Mandu came running at us as we crouched down to give her nice belly pats. (Y/n) looked up "Anything?" Wolf sighed in defeat "Nothin.."

Benson threw his hands up "We've checked every village, field, building, house, alley, cave, scary dark hole, welcoming dark hole--" "No humans." Wolf finished for him. "But I did find this sweet bag. And! I found something you might like, (Y/n)."

Her eyes beamed with excitement "Ooooh what did you find?" He held something behind his back and yelled "Tada!" and revealed a black jacket that seemed to be missing its sleeves. Although it did have a white hood.

"Thanks, Benson! This is exactly what I needed to make a new jacket." She said happily as she took the jacket. "Anything for my girl." Benson winked as he smiled at her.

I almost forgot how much (Y/n) loves to sew clothes. The day we got back to Timbercat Village she immediately went to go scavenge for any cloth or clothes in general to make her new outfit. That day she luckily found some jeans, (color) converse that were a bit worn out and sewed together a (color) tank top.

Once she was dressed comfortably, the next day she said she forgot something important at Scarlemagne's palace and came back with a (colorful) scarf. It must've been important to her, but I didn't understand why she cut it shorter.

I soon figured out she made it into a bandana and tied it loosely around her head. Probably because it would be too big.

Now her only goal was to fabricate a coat or jacket which she asked everyday for the gang to find on their searches until today.

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