Song's Human/Tea's Spillin'

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(Let's make a vote here. We all know Song is gonna lose her mute powers in this chapter, but do we really want her to give them up??? Please comment on the vote of your choice and in the end the most amount of votes will win)

Vote Yes (Song will get her mute powers back in the future along with everyone else returning to their normal mute selves)

Vote No ( Kipo and Y/n should be the only ones to have mute powers along with everyone else returning to their normal mute selves)

(Y/n's POV)

I had just made it back, legs aching me to the point where I couldn't feel them anymore. I see Song and everyone else gathered around Kipo as she held something in her arms, and I was met with terrible news. Yumyan was shot with the cure. I was devastated, completely torn when I heard the whole story; how they were able to save our friends, but Yumyan was caught in the line of fire and turned back into a regular house cat. We all gathered in the HMUFA meeting room, sadness filled the air as everyone grieved for what happened to Yumyan.

Kipo stood in the center of the room, I stood next to her, where Yumyan sat on her shoulders as she made an announcement "Let's take a moment to honor Yumyan for his bravery. The legend of Yumyan Hammerpaw will live on for generations. And though he's very much still here and digging his claws into my shoulders...! Ow-ow-ow!" I volunteered to grab Yumyan since Benson was going to, and placed him on his throne. Kipo continued her speech as she raised her arms.

"He has earned his place in the Great Hall of Axe Lords." All the Timbercats cheered as they raised their axes, but Molly suddenly gazed at the now sleeping Yumyan and pointed her axe at him "He fell asleep while you were talking about him. The old Yumyan would never fall asleep while you were talking about him!" Yumyan suddenly sprang up and hopped down to play with Mandu's tail. I hear Cotton speak up "This whole "cure" thing is totally not cool."

"I don't wanna be small!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. THAT'S what you're worried about? Losing your gains." Jamack quickly stood up from his chair "Look at him! He can't talk!" Amy stepped in to the conversation "On the bright side..." her smile turned into a frown as she began to panic covering her head "Oh, no, I can't think of a bright side!" "Oh, no, all is lost!" Everyone began losing their marbles with the endless chattering, but just as I was about to speak up to get everyone calmed down Lio had something to say.

He began digging something from his pocket "During our fight with Dr. Emilia, I stole this." He took out a pink dart and showed it to everybody "It's the "cure." He turned to us "I can make a vaccine, but I'll need Song's help." Me and Kipo both gasp at the same as I watch her stare intensely at the dart as she whispered "Mom", we smiled at one another and look back to Lio who also had a hint of a smile "We're gonna get Song back."

We headed outside to go find her and as soon as we did Song gently brushed our hairs to the side as me and Kipo tried to hold in our incoming tears as best as we could. Kipo held onto her mother's finger "Hey, Mom, Dad, (Y/n), and I have something to tell you." She gazed in our eyes and could tell she was curious on what it was about. I put my hands together "You're coming home, Song!" She looked at Lio, probably wondering if what she heard was correct, he just simply nodded his head as he carefully injected the cure into her finger.

Song seemed to struggle for a few seconds before she suddenly roared as she pounded the ground with her fist which sent all of us flying back from the impact. And then there was silence...we all look to see there was dust covering where Song should have been, but all we could see was the giant handprint she made, with Song nowhere in sight. "Mom.." I hear Kipo quietly call out, and within mere seconds we could see Song stand up completely cured as she stared at Kipo who stared back.

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