Chapter Seven

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*Not Edited*

Chapter Seven

I know what you did.

I read the words again and again.

I know what you did.

I turned the paper over to see if there was anything else there but there was nothing. Only those five words: I know what you did.

"Where did you get that?" I questioned Cami gently, I was trying my best not to freak out and I knew if I showed her that I was nervous she would start panicking.

"It was on the floor in front of the door. I think someone posted it through our letterbox."

I walked over to the front door and hesitantly opened it. I looked around outside, I don't know what I was expecting to see but I saw nothing out of the ordinary. Closing the door, I took in a deep breath trying to keep calm.

"Okay so this doesn't mean anything. It could be someone just playing a prank."

Cami did not look convinced. "No this means someone knows about what I did."

"First of all, what we did. Second, like I said it could be someone playing a joke on us. It's a Halloween prank!"

"Halloween was three months ago."

"So then it could be April fools prank." I tried to reassure her. "They just started it a couple of months earlier and then on the 1st of April they'll yell and tell us it was all a joke."

"We both know that's not it. Someone knows. Nala, maybe I should go to the police and tell them what I did."

"No, definitely not. That's not going to work, they won't be able to help us." I shook my head, knowing exactly what would happen to us if we did that.

"I'm tired Nala." Cami told me, her eyes filled with sadness and pain. "It's only been a week or so but I can't take this. I can't live like this. I want it to end."

"The end is with us dying and that's not going to happen. Look I know its hard, I know what you've going through is hurting you more than anything else has but you can overcome this. Remember when mum and dad died, I didn't think I would every feel happy again. Everything hurt, thinking about them hurt, being with other people hurt, even waking up in the morning hurt because I knew it was another day without them. That pain was the worst pain I felt, it was the worst pain we both ever felt but as time went by it got easier. The pain didn't disappear overnight but it did reduce slowly and yes even know sometimes it hurts when I think of them but nothing as close as it did when we first lost them."

"This pain that you're feeling now isn't going to disappear in a day or two. It will take time but I promise you it will get better and I will be here to help you. But if we go to the police now we won't get that chance. You've met the Alpha, you told me how much he scared you and you were just a stranger to him. If he found out what we did, Cami he's not just going to kill us, he's going to torture us in the worst way possible for as long as possible."

"I'm sorry for scaring you but I need you to understand this. Do you understand Cami?"

Cami gazed at me with tear filled eyes and nodded. "I understand, but who could have sent that? Do you think someone actually knows?"

"Nope, I honestly think its just someone messing with us." I must have sounded convincing because Cami nodded looking relieved.

I looked at those words on the paper again.

I know what you did.


Sleep evaded me that night and my mind kept focusing on that note.

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