Chapter Fifty Two

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Chapter Fifty-Two

Darkness came to me like the thick velvet curtains closing at the end of a theatre play. It closed my mind of everything and nothing seemed to matter anymore. The silence was welcomed with open arms as my mind sunk into the peace it was finally given, however, it was not there for long and was slowly being pulled back. Someone came in and interrupted it. I wanted to scream at them and tell them to let me go. I wanted the darkness, I didn't want to think or feel anymore.

I wanted tranquillity.

My tranquillity was shattered slightly when I felt someone grab my body and pull me out of the warm water. I couldn't tell who it was but from their frantic voice and movement I could tell they were panicking.

It's okay, I wanted to tell them. Let me sleep.

The hard pounding on my back had me twisting my body away, why were they trying to hurt me? I'm not supposed to feel anything so why could I feel their panicked slaps on my back? The pounding stopped and something warm and soft caressed my body.

My head lopped to the side and my eyes opened enough for me to see that someone was carrying me.

"Thank God." The person carrying me muttered when they saw my eyes open. "Stay awake."

No, I wanted to say. Let me sleep but my tongue felt too heavy to move. I lost the battle with my eyes as well as they closed again.

I'm unsure of how long I was like this but I drifted in and out of conscious. The time where I did become conscious I heard little snippets of conversation that made no sense to me.


"...ried to kill herself, look at what you did!"

"Brought her here.... your mate."

"Shh, she's waking up." A voice that sounded masculine muttered as my eyes fluttered opened slightly.

"Nala? Nala can you hear me?"

Yes but I don't want to, I want to sleep.

With that thought my mind drifted off and I was in complete darkness again. Through it felt like only minutes, hours had passed. I heard more snippets of conversations, however, the voices felt muted and sounded more like background noises.

I could also feel someone touching me sporadically, sometimes my hair and head and other times my face. Even though I was not fully conscious I could feel the difference in the touches and knew they were by different people. One felt more clinical and professional whereas the other felt more soft and tender making my heart fill up with bliss.

Before my eyes finally fluttered open, my hearing came to me first as the sound of a ticking clock filled my ear alongside the sound of someone clicking away on what sounded like a laptop. I was unable to move anything as my body felt rigid and foreign. After screaming at my body to cooperate with me, it finally did and my eyes opened.

Thankfully the light was lowered to a dim light so my eyes weren't exposed to harsh, bright light. Blinking a few times, I stared at the unfamiliar ceiling for several seconds before wiggling my fingers. My head felt heavy and sore as if I was recovering from a massive headache.

The sound of someone typing began to slowly creep up in volume, getting louder and louder until it felt like the noise was right beside my ear. With great effort I turned my head to the right, the direction the noise was coming from, and froze slightly when I saw who it was.

Alpha Alessandro.

This must have been a dream- or a nightmare depending on whether he started threatening me again- or he wouldn't be here otherwise.

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