Chapter Forty Four

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Chapter Forty-Four

She was beautiful, her mid length golden hair was tied at the nape of her neck with a few shorter strands of hair framing her soft pale face. Her eyes were familiar and I knew I had seen them somewhere.

Immediately I looked away not wanting to make eye contact with this Werewolf who had to be of high rank. My eyes were trained on the black court heels she was wearing as she took a couple of steps into the room.


"Aunt Rosa." Teresa said warmly, still holding onto my shoulder. "This is Nala, she friend."

Aunt Rosa? This was Alpha Alessandro's mum? They were here already?

Taking in quick deep breaths, I tried to calm down my body that was screaming 'run'.

I glanced at Teresa who was looking straight at her Aunt. Resisting the urge to look up and see whether or not she believed Teresa I kept my eyes downcast.

"A friend." The woman repeated as if it was such a strange this to hear. "I did not know you were friends with humans."

Oh no, was she was one of those Werewolves who hated humans and thought we were beneath them and both species shouldn't mix.

"I have human friends." Teresa said casually, moving her hand in a dismissing motion. "It's good to see you."

Both the Werewolves embraced each other warmly while I stood there wondering what I should do. Maybe I should listen to my body and make a run for it while they're distracted?

"So this is the human Alessandro is holding here?" Alessandro's mum, Rosa, said as she pulled away from Teresa.


"A human he is protecting?"

Teresa let out a nervous laugh. "She's my friend, Alessandro knows that."

"Hmm." Rosa murmured, clearly not believing a word Teresa was saying. "Look up human."

My eyes immediately darted to Teresa who discreetly nodded her head. I raised my head slowly and looked up, careful not to make eye contact with her. She began to circle around me as I stared straight ahead, I felt as though I was an object in a shop that she was inspecting and deciding whether or not she should buy.

"This is the human girl who knows where Harlan is?"


This time Teresa had no answer to the question and I could almost hear her think about what to say next. I had no idea what Alessandro planned on telling his parents. Would he tell them I'm involved like he did with Teresa? Or would he tell them he thought I was involved but no longer thinks that?

Rosa stopped circling me and stood directly in front of me, her body so close that I could almost feel her body heat. "Look at me."

I did as she asked and made eye contact. I now knew where I had seen those eyes before, they were the same as Alessandro's.

"Do you know where Harlan is?" The question was asked softly instead of being demanding and angry like I thought it would be.

Swallowing harshly I answered her question. "No." That wasn't a lie, I didn't know where Alessandro buried Harlan.

I didn't know if she believed me or not, her eyes gave nothing away and her face was expressionless. Finally after what felt like hours she stepped away from me and I mentally let out a sigh of relief.

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