Chapter Seventy Two

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Chapter Seventy-Two

He had to let us go right?

It's not like Cami killed him for no reason, he stalked, attacked and raped her, she was acting in self-defence. Anyone in her situation would do the same and I'm sure if Teresa had the opportunity she would have too.

She did everyone a favour by ridding the world of a serial paedophilic rapist. Who knows how many people he has abused and how many people he would have if he was still alive.

The Head Alpha looked conflicted as his gaze flickered between us and his niece. He probably wanted to still punish us for killing his nephew but also didn't want to hurt Teresa further.

It must be difficult and confusing to hear that your nephew's death was due to him raping a teenage human girl and that he also raped your niece. He might feel as though he needs to get some sort of justice for Harlan because at the end of the day it was his nephew and we killed him.

"I understand that he was your nephew." I began to tread lightly and carefully. "But he was also a rapist too. He wasn't an innocent man we just attacked for no reason. He stalked my 17-year-old sister at her work before following her home and attacking her."

The Head Alpha's face remained stoic until I added the next part.

"He also continuously raped your niece."

I winced internally when I said those words carelessly, I knew Teresa would be impacted by those words but I couldn't beat around the bush anymore. "And most likely other people too."

I wouldn't put it past him to abuse his position in the pack and use that to abuse his female pack members and it seemed like the Head Alpha agreed as his face scrunched up in disgust.

"He's no nephew of mine." The Head Alpha spat out causing relief to fill every inch of my body. He turned towards Teresa and cupped her face. "If he was alive now, I would have killed him with my bare hands."

If he was going to kill him anyway that means Cami did him a favour and he can't be angry at her for her actions.

"Like I said earlier, you will not be harmed for your actions."

And? What about Cami?

"And my sister?" I questioned, throwing her a quick reassuring glance.

With his eyes fixated on Teresa the Head Alpha answered my question. "She will not be harmed either."

"Oh my God." Whispered Cami as she tightened her grip on my hands.

I turned towards her and pulled her into a hug, both of us stuttering random words to each other. Holding tightly onto my little sister, I couldn't believe that it was finally over.

We could now put this whole nightmare behind us and move on with our lives. We could return to our town and go back to our usual mundane lives, the thought of doing my university assignments never sounded so appealing.

In between my sobs of joy, I let out a laugh. Cami joined in as we both embraced each other and laughed in each other's ears.

"It's over Cami." I half cried and half laughed. "It's finally over."

"I can't believe it." Cami kept whispering over and over again.

Pulling myself slightly away from Cami, I looked towards the Head Alpha, purposefully not meeting Alpha Alessandro's heated gaze. "Thank you."

His response to my gratitude was a nod.

After a minute or so later, Cami and I pulled away from each and turned to face the Alpha family. They were all watching us with different expressions on their faces, each one different from the others.

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