Chapter Sixty Four

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Chapter Sixty-Four


Truth be told, I had not thought of that or even anticipated the fact that he may not want to mate me.

Was he...rejecting me?

Could Werewolves do that? Reject their mates? It was so unheard of, I couldn't think of any cases where I heard that before but that didn't mean that it didn't happen.

Maybe fate didn't get it right all the time?

I don't think fate got it right with us, we weren't a good match.

"Do you want to mate with me?" I questioned him hesitantly.

Our survival was based on him wanting to be my mate, wanting to protect me. If he didn't want to mate with me, we were screwed. Surely he does want to mate with me right? In his twisted way he has been protecting me from the consequences of my involvement in his rapist cousin's death.

But not wanting me dead wasn't the same as wanting to be with me.

Crap, he didn't want to be with me. Why would he? I was just a random human and he was an Alpha to a very large and powerful pack.

"I want to fuck you."

That wasn't the same thing. He was lusting after me but he didn't actually want to be with me.

"Oh." I muttered not expecting this turn of events. His response sent a strange spasm through my body and there was a dull ache in my chest.

I couldn't help but think one thing. Why didn't he want me?

"To complete the mating process, we have to have sex." I blurted out, trying to make sense of what was happening here.

"Yes, however, we can have sex without completing the mating process."

Is that what he wants? All those time when we got close to having sex, was that just him wanting to satisfy his urges without committing to me?

I couldn't explain it but his words were having such an impact on me, they hurt. I felt more hurt now than I did those times he had manhandled me.

Why was I feeling like this?

"I don't understand." I told him truthfully. "If I'm your mate, why don't you want me?"

"Do you want me?" Alpha Alessandro turned the question onto me.

I didn't want to answer his question because I actually didn't have an answer. I didn't know if I wanted him or not, I thought I didn't want him but now that he doesn't want me, I was conflicted.

If I said no, it wouldn't be 100% accurate and if I said yes, it too wouldn't be 100% accurate either. I think I did want him but I also didn't at the same time.

Looking away from his intense gaze, I swallowed harshly. "I don't know."

From the corner of my eyes I could see Alpha Alessandro nodding as if he had expected that answer. "Anything else, human?"

Yes! Tell me why you don't want me? Tell me why I feel so conflicted? I had so many questions I wanted to ask him but instead I asked him about something that wasn't related to us and our 'relationship.'

"What will happen to Cami?"

"She will be punished for her crimes."

Though I had an inkling on what the punishment was, I still asked him. "What's the punishment?"


I closed my eyes and bit my lip. I knew that would be the case but hearing it out loud made it more real, more painful.

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